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小毛桃也加入了,你最喜欢吃什么呀?What foods do you like best?

确定五指毛桃不同采收部位的质量。To investigate the quality of different parts of Radix Fici Hirtae.

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为保持优良品质,必须用嫁接法繁殖,砧木用山毛桃。To maintain good quality, must use grafting law breed, stock uses hill wild peach.

生产上主要应用的砧木有毛樱桃、毛桃、山杏。The main rootstocks used in production are raanchu cherry, kansu peach and apricot.

我地早油桃、毛桃品种齐全、量大,欢迎新老客户前来选购。I place as early as nectarine, peaches range, volume is very large, welcomed the new and old customers come to buy.

猕猴桃由名毛桃,藤桃,因为猕猴桃是猕猴最喜欢的野生水果,故又名猕猴桃。Kiwi fruit also named downy peach, vine peach. It is the favorite fruit of macaque, so it is also named Kiwi fruit.

治疗组给予加味五指毛桃汤口服,对照组给予阿德福韦酯胶囊口服。Group was treated with oral soup flavored fingers peaches, control group was given capsules of oral adefovir dipivoxil.

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目的探讨五指毛桃水提液的抗炎镇痛及对急性肝损伤的保护作用,为临床运用提供依据。Objective To study the effect of sagittaria sagittifolia on expression of TNF-α mRNA in process of cadmium-induced acute liver damage.

目的探讨五指毛桃水提液的抗炎镇痛及对急性肝损伤的保护作用,为临床运用提供依据。Objective To explore the anti-inflammation and analgesia effect of Radix Fici Hirtae aqueous extract, and its protection effect on acute liver injury.

毛桃、木姜子、板栗天麻菌材林的预期经济价值也较高,是滇东北退耕还林地生态建设值得推广的模式。Therefore, the two eco-economic forests planting modes are considerable for returning farmland to forest in the mountain areas of northeastern Yunnan Province.

五指毛桃不同采收部位所含化学成分相似,其中根皮部的挥发油成分和补骨脂素含量均高于木质部。The chemical components in different parts of Radix Fici Hirtae are similar but the contents of volatile component and psoralen are higher in the cortex than those in tile xylem.

以五指毛桃汁、果冻粉、砂糖为主要原料,运用正交实验设计对五指毛桃果冻的加工工艺进行研究。Using Radix Fici Simplicissimae juice, jelly powder and sugar as primary materials, and the processing technology of Radix Fici Simplicissimae fruit jelly was studied by orthogonal experiment.