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你所说的一切,总合起来就是正义。Everything you say adds up to justice.

人生就是你一系列决议的总合。Life is the cumulative sum of your decisions.

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在多人模式中,所有职业的等级总合达到50。The Kup's Half Full -Reach a combined class level of 50 in Multiplayer.

在多人模式中,所有职业的等级总合达到100。Top of the Scrap Heap-Reach a combined class level of 100 in Multiplayer.

以现在的速度,中国的经济实力将等于集欧洲与美洲总合。At the current rate, China will be an economic power equal to Europe and the US combined.

我上次回去中国开荒安琪拉魔兽公会会长的时候启用了零总合系统,我很喜欢。We've adapted to a zero-sum system when I went back to start AQ40, and I totally loved it.

本文报道被动触觉的长度总合实验。The tactile sensitivity of forearm to summate the length of plexiglass rectangles was tested.

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然后召唤攻击力和耐久度等于10倍点数总合的骰子怪物。Then he spawns a Dice monster with ATK and DEF equal to the combined total of the dice times 10.

从分散的投资组合的观点,个别投资工具组合成为总合的绩效。From the standpoint of a diversified portfolio, the individual component instruments subsume into.

方法的递归调用在报表显示为调用的总合,显示程序在这方面需要更聪明一些。Recursive methods is reported as sum of the calls. The viewer should be more clever in this respect.

但农林中金总合研究所经济分析师南武志表示,日本依然面临重重关卡.But Takeshi Minami, chief economist at Norinchukin Research Institute, said Japan still faced hurdles.

他们还排放出相当于全美所有汽车、卡车、巴士、飞机排放量总合的温室气体——二氧化碳。And they gush as much climate-warming carbon dioxide as America's cars, trucks, buses, and planes combined.

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美国目前虽遭遇到种种困难,但其经济实力仍大过全球第二、三、四大经济体的总合.And despite its current troubles, the U.S. economy is larger than those of the next three countries put together.

这将超过地球上两个最长的海底隧道青函隧道和英法隧道的长度总合。This would exceed the combined lengths of the two longest undersea tunnels on Earth, the Seikan Tunnel and the Channel tunnel.

畜牧业产生的温室效应气体,大过全球的小客车、卡车、火车、船、飞机的排放量总合。Greenhouse gases produced by the farm animal industry greatly surpass the total amount of the world's transportation emissions.

对建成后的排灌泵测试系统进行了误差总合的计算,验证达到了设计要求。While completed the construction of the test system, we synthesized the error of the test system and achieved expect design aim.

本工程为埃及经商处总合楼,地下一层,地上五层。This project is the general building for Egyptian business department, including one underground floor and five overground floors.

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惟有从「家户总合薪资所得」作为计算基准,改变以往以「薪资」结构作为保险费之基准。It only regards the total income of salary of every family as a calculable stardard, changing the past standand by the structure of salary.

你需要一大票的导弹舰才能消灭一整群的防御建筑,如果使用和那些防御总合造价相同的战列来攻击会比较划算。You need a great amount of them to kill a big defense, but it will come cheaper as if you had attacked that defense with battleships with the same costs.

犯罪人格是犯罪人内心潜在的反社会行为模式的总合,它决定了行为人实施犯罪行为的可能性。Criminal personality is a confluence of criminal's potential antisocial action patterns. It determines the possibility that a criminal may commit a crime.