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我们能给他弄个徽章吗?Can we get him a badge?

那位军官佩带着一枚徽章。The officer was wearing a medal.

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这儿的工人必须佩带徽章。The workers here must be badged.

自由小屋外的土耳其徽章。Turkish emblems on Freedom House.

这个男孩子把一枚徽章别在外套上。The boy pins a badge on his jacket.

这些是奥运会纪念徽章。These are Olympic commemorative badges.

“旭日”是爱德华三世的徽章。The Rising Sun was the badge of Edward III.

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那名警察的徽章使子弹偏转了。The policeman's badge deflected the bullet.

治安官的徽章是星状的。The sheriff's badge was shaped like a star.

你可以时常看到他们亲吻自己球会的徽章。You see them kissing the badge all the time.

约瑟夫菲尔普斯徽章是一种美味和红色的融合。Joseph Phelps Insignia is a delicious red blend.

其中一人别着一枚弗吉尼亚狮子会俱乐部的徽章。One of them was wearing a Virginia Lion’s Club pin.

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作为回报,他只要一枚联邦特派员的徽章。All he wanted in return was a federal agent's badge.

请注意阿拉伯文刻字她手机套徽章。Note the Arabic lettering on her MP sleeve insignia.

绫波丽,只是这三个字,便是一枚女神的徽章!Aya Poly, but these three words, is a goddess badges!

我们都希望能有朝一日成为戴“白徽章”的人。Because we all live in hope of becoming white badges.

得到全部分数、打开成就徽章。All while earning points and unlocking achievement badges.

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每位男侍者的衣领上都别着2012年伦敦申奥的徽章。Footmen each wore lapel pins bearing the London 2012 logo.

记住每一天,那以你的早晨为徽章的日子。Keep track of every day the date emblazoned in yr morning.

如今,人们可以在英格兰运动队的运动衫上领略这种徽章的风采。Now it can be seen on the shirts of England's sports teams.