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不规矩是打趣话的精髓。Impropriety is the soul of wit.

他在旅行中拿她打趣逗乐。He devilled her during the tour.

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“乔,别打趣了,”南希没好气地说。“Don't tease, Joe,”said Nancy shortly2.

罗哈斯打趣的说,“这次是我运气好!”"I was lucky this time," Rojas said jokingly.

O'Sullivan博士打趣说,”难怪他们叫它“cocky”“。O'Sullivan quips, "No surprise they call it 'cocky.'"

“它完全可以炸翻你的锅炉”,默瑟打趣说。"It would just blow up your gas cooker, " Mercer said.

“也许接下去我会演个吸血鬼,”他打趣地说道。"Probably I'll be a vampire next, " he kiddingly said.

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海尔赛打趣地用两个手指戳了维克多·亨利一下。Halsey gave Victor Henry jocular prod with two fingers.

史墨涵打趣地自称是一个“生活的插画师”。Shi Mohan jocularly calls herself a "life illustrator".

戈姆利向他欢呼,打趣地说示威者在做“暖场演出。”Gormley jokingly hailed the protestor as "a warm-up act".

股瓦兰提斯,瓦雷利亚的第一个女儿,侏儒打趣。Old Volantis, first daughter of Valyria, the dwarf mused.

烟一下呛住了开打趣的抚摩者。The smoke afraid the badinage stroker at one achievement.

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夜华打趣白浅,要准备什么礼物,夜明珠吗?Night Hua jokes white shallow, to prepare what gift, pearl?

负面言论可能是卑鄙的闲言碎语,也可能是友好的打趣。Sludge can be mean-spirited gossip or even friendly banter.

阿姨们跟张阿姨打趣,张阿姨乐呵呵擦汗。Zhang aunt aunt who told jokes, Zhang aunt cheerfully wipe.

他很少这样但是现在他无法抗拒和老爷子打趣的冲动。He did it rarely but now he could not resist jesting with the Don.

“这是巴基斯坦第五次最后的机会”,一位政府官员打趣地说。"This is Pakistan's fifth last chance, " quips a government minister.

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于冬将第一阶段打趣地称之为“低价倾销”。The first stage, according to Yu, is what he jokingly calls "dumping".

我打趣他说他最好随身携带降温服,因为他交女朋友了!I tease him that he’d better keep it handy now that he has a girlfriend!

火车上的讲解员特别热衷于和游客交谈打趣、合影留念。The train commentator special keen and tourists remarked, talk for a photo.