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这次大选的声势将非常浩大。This election's going to be huge.

不惜花费,大造声势。No expense or reputation is spared.

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比主场声势,有斯托克城或桑德兰。Stoke City or Sunderland on home ground noise.

杰?雷诺的加入使这份明星卡司声势更为浩大。Queen Latifah and Jay Leno round out this all-star cast.

我们很强大,跟我们在一起,可以更壮大声势。We're strong, we're big, and together we are even stronger.

但是杜卡基斯从本特森沾来的声势仍嫌不够。But not enough of Bentsen's strength has rubbed off on Dukakis.

从微观上说,此番丛林中的隆隆声势是我们所有人当前所面临的斗争。In microcosm, this rumble in the jungle is the fight we all face now.

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随行的又有大队车辆和兵马,声势非常浩荡。Chariots and horsemen also went up with him. It was a very large company.

他们是两股仇恨的旋风,声势煊煊地绕着彼此旋转。They were twin whirlwinds of hatred, revolving about each other monstrously.

他13次入选全明星声势,获得了其中的三届全明星赛MVP。He was selected to the Bll Star team 13 times, winning three Bll Star game MVPs.

旁边桌上济济一堂着一群中老年,声势却明显压过了我们。Gathered in a table next to a group of older, momentum is obviously pressure off us.

看下你需要什么东西来过先前那样的生活并造成更大的声势。See if you have what it takes to turn back the clock and rock the less-is-more trend.

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指声势,指军队的士气和威势。气概,勇力。That momentum. That the morale of the armed forces and pomp. Spirit, courage ability.

丰田正以凶猛的声势成为全球汽车业新一轮的霸主。TOYOTA becomes the new dominator in global automobile industry as impetuous development.

首先,给虚富张声势的银行家们支付较少的薪资是一个大胆的冒险行为。Above all, calling the bluff of bankers by paying them much less would amount to a big bet.

想要拿高阶小组的声势,来压倒周全、有自信的男士或女士,做法并不会奏效。The steamroller from a high power team in ineffective against a well-prepared, confident, man or woman.

阿富汗战事中所有冲突各方,都试图在战事行将终结之际,抬高自己的声势。All sides in the conflict are trying to show strength as the apparent endgame in the war gains momentum.

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若声势维持,可能下周一光是台北卖座即可宣告破亿。To maintain the momentum if, next Monday may be just a declaration to break box-office in Taipei billion.

反对全球化的情绪正在形成,而且声势可能会日渐壮大。As a consequence, a bair conditionerklash against glob'sisation is forming and it's likely to grow in strength.

蝉声渐渐隐去,忽又嘹亮起来,声势更胜,嘶嘶之声仿佛电流一般穿过草丛。The cicadas went quiet, and then came back in again, louder than ever, hissing like a current through the grass.