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墨鱼,墨鱼汁,小番茄。Squid, squid ink, cherry tomatoes.

绝对不要去拥抱这个墨鱼!Don’t try to cuddle this cuttlefish.

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同样,墨鱼的市场也在复苏。Similarly, the cuttlefish market is improving.

墨鱼,墨鱼汁,番茄,白酒。Baby squib rings, squib ink, tomato, white wine.

墨鱼有8条腿,看上去不像塞姆。The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn’t look like Sam.

今晚,而且只有今晚,白色墨鱼将交配。Tonight, and only tonight, the opalescent squid will mate.

墨鱼肉洗净,切碎,放入碎肉机内打至碎。Wash cuttlefish flesh and finely chop . Process in mincer.

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墨鱼熟后,取出切件,淋上芡汁,趁热品尝。Remove cuttlefish when cooked, slice and serve with the sauce.

墨鱼熟后,取出切件,淋上芡汁,趁热品尝。Remove cuttlefish when cooled, slice and serve with the sauce.

我对如何烹调那些墨鱼和龙虾毫无概念。I have no idea about how to prepare those cuttlefish and lobsters.

防癌可常选择食用沙丁鱼、青鱼、黄鱼、墨鱼等。Cancer can often choose food, sardines, herring, fish, squid and so on.

牙膏我用墨鱼骨和野生茴香种子混合而成。For toothpaste I use a mixture of cuttlefish bone and wild fennel seeds.

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鱿鱼及墨鱼吸吮水变成他们的尸体,然后喷射出来。Squids and cuttlefish suck water into their bodies and then squirt it out.

墨鱼洗净,切成圈状或块状。番茄切块。Wash the cuttlefish , cut into rings or pieces. Cut the tomato into pieces.

加墨鱼及庄记生抽王,略翻炒后,加水慢煮至滚。Add squids , Chng Kee's Light Soya Sauce and water, stir-fry and bring to boil.

当她吸进墨鱼汁浸透的面条时,她在微笑,当她肢解生着长长的触须的龙虾时还是在笑。She smiled while slurping the inky noodles, while dissecting the antennaed prawns.

如果牠们愿意咬墨鱼骨,也建议给予牠们来增加钙质。Provision of a cuttlefish bone, which can be gnawed if desired, is also recommended.

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水生动物与鱼无直接联系的水生动物,如海蜇、墨鱼或螯虾。Any of various unrelated aquatic animals, such as a jellyfish, cuttlefish, or crayfish.

意大利扁面条就拌有墨鱼汁、海鱼和虾子。Pasta dishes like linguine sometimes contain squid ink as well as shellfish and prawns.

把墨鱼肉去硬边,肉切粒,与免治猪肉一起放入搅拌机内搅成墨鱼胶。Trim the cuttlefish and cut them into cubes. Mince with the minced pork in the food processor.