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科学家们于1949年制作了第一台原子钟。Scientists developed the first atomic clock in 1949.

这些原子钟是全球计时的标准。These clocks became the standard for global timekeeping.

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经过十年的发展,原子钟于今年一月进入市场。After 10 years of development, CSAC went on the market in January.

量子计算能使未来原子钟更精确Quantum calculations can make atomic clocks of the future far more accurate

这款多功能闹钟,特有美国原子钟时间和日期,以及闹钟设置。This multi-function alarm clock features U.S. Atomic time and date and an alarm clock setting.

但是在这个原子钟的装置里,它们还是太不稳定了不能靠自身确保时间。But at the esoteric edge of the timekeeper's craft, they are too wobbly to keep time by themselves.

现在的原子钟振动频率在微波频段,大约每秒振动90亿次。Today's standard atomic clocks vibrate at microwave frequencies, about 9 billion cycles per second.

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在传统的原子钟里,原子受到吉赫波段的微波照射。In a traditional atomic clock, atoms are illuminated by microwaves, in the gigahertz frequency range.

就算使用原子钟,也只能侦测到精细结构常数在几天内的缓慢改变,了不起顶多是α在数年内的变化。Even atomic clocks can detect drifts in the fine-structure constant only over days or, at most, years.

这一获得诺贝尔奖的发现产生了铯原子钟和氢微波激射器。His discoveries, which won him the Nobel prize, led to the caesium atomic clock and the hydrogen maser.

作为NIST小型原子钟的副产品,NIST的这种迷你传感器最早研发于2004年。A spin-off of NIST's miniature atomic clocks, NIST's magnetic mini-sensors were first developed in 2004.

镱原子钟甚至可能比铯原子钟更加精确和稳定。And an ytterbium clock has the potential to be even more accurate and stable than the cesium chronometer.

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本文报告了一种守时用小型氢原子钟的设计和研制。A miniature hydrogen maser standard for time-keeping has been developed successfully at Shanghai Observatory.

2007年通过光学纤维他将他的原子钟和NIST奥茨的钙原子晶格钟连接起来。In 2007 he interlinked, via optical fiber, his clock with a calcium-based lattice clock in Oates' lab at NIST.

此外,测试结果还表明GIOVE-B携带的氢微波激射器原子钟运转良好。Additional test results also indicate that the new hydrogen maser atomic clock onboard GIOVE-B is working correctly.

和GIOVE-A卫星携带的铷原子钟相比,这种原子钟具有更好的长期稳定性和精度。The maser promises better long term stability and improved accuracy compared to the rubidium clock on board GIOVE-A.

在本文中我们讨论了在空间微重力环境下利用对射冷原子团实现空间冷原子钟的可能性。We discuss the feasibility of realizing a cold atom space clock with counter-propagating cold atoms in microgravity.

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其目的是在空间站组装一台精度为10的16次方分之一的激光冷却铯原子微波原子钟。Its aim is to install on the space station a laser-cooled cesium microwave clock, with accuracy of about one in 1016.

香取说其在东京的团队希望在五年内制作出首个精度达到10的18次方分之一的原子钟。Katori says his team in Tokyo hopes to have the first clock with one part in 1018 accuracy working within five years.

卫星携带的原子钟必须和地面的运行速度不一样,因为那里的重力更强。These carry atomic clocks that have to run at a different speed to those on the ground because gravity is greater there.