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寿桃造型准确。Peach is accurate shape.

色彩艳丽、栩栩如生的面塑寿桃。Colorful and vivid dough moulded peaches.

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如果是给老人过生日,就要准备寿桃。And for old people, we'll prepare Longevity Peaches.

是我自己做的。今天的寿桃做得还不借。Yes I made these by myself. Today's peach birthday bun is pretty good.

中华寿桃是一种优良的果品资源,具有较高的营养价值。The chinese birthday peach was an excellent fruit breed which had high nutrient value.

寿桃的数量也是画双不画单,包含了好事成双的寓意。The peaches in his paintings are always in even number, meaning that good things always come in double.

妈妈会煮“长寿面”。如果是给老人过生日,就要准备寿桃。都是用来送祝福的。Mother would cook"long-life noodles". And for elder people , we'll prepare longevity peaches. Just for blessing.

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小巧又可口,这些象徵长寿的寿桃,通常会生日庆典上看到,但是它们是怎麽制作出来的呢?Cute and delectable, these peach-shaped buns are usually prepared on birthdays as a symbol of longevity. But how were they made?

很多亲戚会被邀请来庆祝生日,人们会准备一个大寿桃型的生日蛋糕来表达长寿的愿望。Most relatives are invited to celebrate the birthday and a large peach-shaped birthday cake is prepared to express the good wish of longevity.

朱宣咸爱画寿桃,往往运用没骨大写意画法,将桃画得很大,具有强烈的视觉冲击力。Zhu Xuanxian likes painting the peaches of longevity, which are usually in large sizes and adopt hidden trunks and large impressionistic-style skill, giving strong visual impact.