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1890年,一名前日本武士在此修建了这家客栈。The inn was established in 1890 by a former samurai.

与前日的112.01日元相比,欧元在111.96日元附近小幅波动。The euro was little changed at 111.96 yen, compared with 112.01.

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前日他在公园里遇见的那个人是我的朋友。The man he fell in with in the park the day before is my friend.

在数据目录的一个子目录中维护写前日志。Maintains a write-ahead log in a subdirectory of the data directory.

现在,这位前日本外相自己也极有可能担任这个最高职务。Now, the former foreign minister is overwhelmingly likely to assume the top job himself.

竹中平藏是一位经济学家,前日本前经济和财政政策的大臣。Heizo Takenaka is an economist and Japan's former minister of economic and financial policy.

在前日的恶劣天气之后,美国孟菲斯棉区恢复晴朗,气温稳定。Clear, warm conditions returned to the Memphis Territory today, following severe weather yesterday.

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前日在华娱卫视“亚洲十大红人颁奖典礼”上,记者独家采访到了贺军翔。The day before on Asian Top 10 Most popular stars ceremony, our reporter exclusively reported Mike He.

该帖前日中午13时上传至某论坛,主要内容是一个90后女生诸多自拍相片。Eve before noon defer 13 when uploading to a BBS, main content is a girl after many self-time photo 90.

而阿梅前日往试身,对这批靓衫感到非常喜欢及满意。Ah Mui went for fitting the day before yesterday, she is very pleased with all the designs. She likes them.

牛小肠复合酶中胰蛋白酶和糜蛋白酶活性与牛的体况和屠宰前日粮类型有关。The activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin in BIF depended on the kinds of cattle and feeds before slaughter.

奥巴马夫妇前日抵达肯辛顿宫与威廉王子、凯特王妃和哈利王子进行非正式会见,并共进晚餐。The Obamas arrived at the palace for an informal dinner with Prince William, Kate Middleton and Prince Harry.

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之前日本欲建议一个全球性的“寿司督察”来评估全球的日本餐厅。Previously, Japan desired to create a global "sushi police" that would evaluate Japanese restaurants overseas.

前日,看一作家访谈,人家只买书这一件一年就花1,2万,我才多少呢?Yesterday, a writer of the interview, people only buy books that a year spent 1,2 million, how much do I have?

北京市享受优惠政策普通住房标准的通知于前日下午公布。Beijing enjoy preferential policies in general housing standards notice announced the day before yesterday afternoon.

然而,诺曼征服并没有给英语带来大约600年前日耳曼入侵所带来的相同后果。However, the Norman conquest did not have the same result that the Germanic invasion had had about 600 years earlier.

始建于二战前日占时期的朝鲜铁路经历时过境迁,却看上去鲜有维护。Built during the pre-World War II Japanese occupation of Korea, the lines have seen little maintenance over the years.

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他的团队注意到前日本经济产业省能源官员石田亨直接作为高层顾问进入东京电力公司任职。His office notes that Toru Ishida, a former METI energy official, moved straight into a job as senior adviser to TEPCO.

蔡依林与周杰伦这对旧情人,前日不约而同来港公干,周杰伦事先张扬此行不会与蔡依林会面。Jolin and ex-lover Jay came to Hong Kong earlier to work and Jay has already said that he would not meet up with Jolin.

处在第8宫,一个玄密宫和接续宫位中,这样的出生前日月食,带有显著的前世伤痕的痕迹。Posited in the eighth house, an Esoteric and Succedent house, a prenatal eclipse carries a most significant karmic message.