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而双庆堂的百鸟床,也因个中缘由主人不愿意让我们参观,只能作罢。We failed to see the hundred-bird bed because the owner would not let us.

苦思却不得答案,只得叹气作罢,冥冥中心思似乎早已明了。His answer had to sigh, but not, it appears to already know, I center thinking.

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而且,很多想参观的人因为人太多只能作罢。What is more, the crowdedness have apparently discouraged many would-be visitors.

白鹭欲回收奈特,在岳和梨衣子的坚持下作罢。White knight to recovery, yue and pears in garment son insistence forget about it.

一度他甚至因为腐败的指控险遭弹劾,因缺乏证据而作罢。At one point he was impeached, accused of corruption, although he was not convicted.

我们几个年轻一点的强烈抗议,但寡不敌众,只好作罢。We are a bit younger to protest strongly , but hopelessly outnumbered , have to drop.

当时,医生曾经考虑过取出子弹,但因手术效果弊大于利而作罢。Doctors considered removing the pellet but said the operation could do more harm than good.

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对象捂着肚子笑弯了腰,直到笑出了眼泪眼泪才作罢。The object holding his stomach laughed until tears of laughter, tears just forget about it.

我希望能出去散步,但是想要花时间在书桌前的意愿让我作罢。I wish I could go for a walk, too, but so far the desire to spend the time at my desk has triumphed.

他认为男人能听懂其中的意思而女人不能,所以他对自己的回答很满意,这个话题也就此作罢。Satisfied that the men would understand and that the women would not, he left it at that. So did we.

她真想问问这位管家奶奶,主人是否真不在家,可是她没有勇气,只得作罢。She longed to enquire of the housekeeper whether her master were really absent, but had not courage for it.

虽然政府多次酝酿改革,终因得不到工会的认可,只好作罢。Although the government has repeatedly brewing reform, the end result of lack of union recognition, were dropped.

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你可以提出建设性的意见,如果对方没有支持你的迹象只是继续反驳的话,你就就此作罢吧。You can give constructive comments, and if the person rebutts with no signs of backing down, don’t engage further.

滚雪球式的网络反响传达了一个很明确的信息,那就是人们不准备让这类事情就此作罢。The snowballing online reaction sends a clear message that people are not prepared to take this sort of thing lying down.

王燕知道了厂里的议论,想跟梁子说别再去厂里了,但怎么也无法开口,最后只得作罢。Wang Yan knew that the factory wants to talk, Liangzi said don't go to the factory, but could not speak, finally had to give up.

他找到了一份工作,但是因为他不想让裹着帕达的妻子独自呆在帐篷里而作罢。He has been offered work, but turned it down because he did not want to leave his wife, who used to be in parda, alone in the camp.

其中有霍建华和刘雪华参演,但原定的男主角周渝民却因为档期问题而作罢。Huo Jianhua and Liu Xuehua will act in it, but the prearranged leading actor Zhou Yuming has to cancel it because of time conflict.

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她在这些情景中没有表现出一丝恐惧,在准备触摸狼蛛的时候由于实在太危险,被阻止后才作罢。She showed no fear in any of the situations and had to be prevented from touching the tarantula because of the high risk of being bitten.

计划去中国铁道博物馆,得知今天是休假的日子,只好作罢,提前结束了这次愉快的蒸汽之旅。We plan to visit China Railway Museum, after we knew today is museum holiday, so we cancelled our plan, early finish our happy steam travel.

奉献者理解所有权利的如此的作罢包括强制的所有权利的作罢在工作的那些版权。Dedicator understands that such relinquishment of all rights includes the relinquishment of all rights to enforce those copyrights in the Work.