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这个调羹是谁的?Whose spoon is this?

给每人一把刀和一只调羹。Give each person a knife and a spoon.

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你需要用一把调羹来搅均混合液。You need a spoon to beat the mixture smooth.

你还需要一个平底锅,一只调羹和长颈瓶。You also need a saucepan, a spoon and a flask.

加入酸奶,用调羹匙搅动混合物。Add the yoghurt. Stir the mixture with a spoon.

珍是嘴里叼着银调羹出生的。Jane was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

那个女服务员端来一个调羹和一把餐刀,但没有X。The waitress brings me a spoon and knife but no fock.

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由LAUDesign设计的与众不同的时钟,用调羹和叉子显示时间。Unusual clock by LAUDesign uses spoon and fork to show time.

他伸手到罐头里舀出一小调羹白粉。He dug into the can and measured out a small spoonful of the powder.

当大家就座时,乔用调羹敲了敲玻璃杯。Joe clinked his spoon against his glass as everyone took their seats.

你还可以直接端起汤碗来喝汤——调羹反而用的不多。You may also drink directly from the soup bowl -- spoons are uncommon.

在锅中放入3调羹提纯奶油、姜黄粉、阿魏和蒙恩豆。In 1-gallon saucepan put 3 tablespoons ghee, turmeric, hing, and beans.

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六个月大的时候,汤姆还不能用调羹进食,也不能抬起头。At six months, Tom still wasn't able to take spoon feedings or hold his head up.

他们证实,该女子只吃过叉和调羹——但从未吃过刀。They confirmed that the woman had only ever eaten forks and spoons – but never knives.

他热爱音乐,会用调羹或叉子在任何稍有点像鼓的物面上敲敲打打。He loved music and would pound spoons or forks on any surface that faintly resembled a drum.

用调羹将馅料放入洞内,封口。将圆球搓圆,粘上白芝麻。Use a tsp to put the stuff inside the ball and close it. Let some sesame stick all over the ball.

将调羹放在汤碗、咖啡杯或其他餐碟中被认为不合礼仪。It is not considered good manners to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cup or any other dish.

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如果事实证明使用筷子是不可能的,而且亦没有叉子,你可以使用瓷调羹。If using chopsticks proves impossible and no forks are available , you can use the porcelain spoon.

她从水槽里拿出一块抹布,擦桌子,摆上四个碗和四个调羹。She got a cloth from the sink, wiped the table, and put four bowls and four spoons on the placemats.

豌豆从调羹滚落到地上,可当他伸手去抓的时候,杯子里的牛奶又洒在桌布上了。Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped, the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth.