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揭露你隐藏的错处。Expose your hidden faults.

隐藏式筒夹组合。Built-in collet holder set.

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隐藏式自动平衡装置。Hidden auto-balance device.

我们都有需要隐藏的东西。We all have things to hide.

其实,我并没有多少东西好隐藏。I did not have much to hide.

这些信息是隐藏的珠宝。These are the hidden jewels.

最大的开销是隐藏的。The biggest costs were hidden.

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杀鸡取卵领隐藏罩。Banded collar with hidden hood.

评论项可以隐藏或删除。Items can be hidden or deleted.

自动启动和自动隐藏功能。Auto Start & Auto Hide features.

她的生活隐藏在神秘之中。Her life was cloaked in mystery.

必须被隐藏起来。That has to be under the covers.

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隐藏的心之咒。The Curse of the Occluded Heart.

这个引脚将会被隐藏。The pins will now become hidden.

隐藏硬塑料吊钩。Hidden hard plastic hanging hook.

从不隐藏微单元框体窗口。Never auto-hide the MUFs' window.

几秒钟后这些按键会自动隐藏。They go away after a few seconds.

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他们就隐藏在树丛中。They were harboured in the woods.

城造在山上,是不能隐藏的。A city on a hill cannot be hidden.

哪里是隐藏一颗卵石最佳的地方?Where is it best to hide a pebble?