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他以压倒优势当选。He swept in the election.

她大声叫喊,压倒了管乐队。She's yelling to beat the band.

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善良压倒邪恶。The good overbalances the evil.

要不然,社会就压倒药物的作用。If not, society overpowers the drugs.

这家公司被坏账所压倒。The company was drowned in bad debts.

预计任何一个政党都不会取得压倒优势。No one party is expected to be dominant.

那女医生用她的气势压倒了那些流氓。The woman doctor faced down the rescals.

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这包括需要压倒我。This encompassing need that overwhelms me.

他们企图用叫喊声压倒反。They are trying to shout down the opposition.

我知道,大炮的声音是压倒一切的。I knew they were all drowned by the cannonade.

目前这个麻烦事压倒了其他事情。This present trouble dwarfs that other matter.

2006年,他以压倒优势当选纽约州州长。He was elected governor in 2006 by a landslide.

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你绝不会想去体验被别人压倒的感受。You never want to feel like you've been outdid.

科比和费舍尔将会压倒雷阿伦和龙多。Bryant and Fisher will dominate Allen and Rondo.

该法案以压倒多数通过。The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority.

这个部落被邻近部落举行的炫财冬宴所压倒。This clan was potlatched by a neighbouring clan.

她的说话声被车辆的轰鸣声压倒了。Her voice was drowned by the roar of the traffic.

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提案以压倒多数通过。The motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.

我们的MI-系列占有压倒优势。The advantages of our MI-series are hardly to beat.

提案以压倒多数通过。Thee motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.