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我的面包和肉食都很香。His bread and meat are sweet.

棘背龙是肉食动物。Spinosaurus was a meat eater.

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巨龙是肉食动物。Giganotosaurus was a meat eater.

异特龙是肉食动物。The Allosaurus was a meat eater.

他说,“现在存在着肉食危机。“There is a meat crisis,” he said.

大型肉食动物遇到了麻烦。Big, meat-eating animals are in trouble.

是色拉,肉食,意面和比萨饼的理想配酒。Ideal with salads, meat, pasta and pizza.

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绵羊和牛主要饲养作肉食。Sheep and ox chiefly raise to do the meat.

素食和肉食都有的晚餐。The dinner with all the veggie and the gravy.

烧烤餐是把肉食放在小火上烧熟。At a barbeque, meat is cooked over a small fire.

你形容自己是再生的肉食动物。You describe yourself as a born-again carnivore.

终于,你留下它为肉食给采撷在。Finally, you leave it for the buzzards to pick at.

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素食者认为吃肉食是造恶业。Vegetarians believe that eating meat is bad karma.

肉食主要有鲜肉与冻肉两种形式。Meat is available chiefly in fresh and frozen forms.

那么他们又从何得到肉食、牛奶和蛋类呢?Where DO they get their meat, milk and eggs, anyway?

大部分肉食动物的眼睛都长在头的前方。Most predators ' eyes are in the front of their head.

基本上这一顿饭以肉食为主。But there almost always is a meat-based meal, as well.

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杂货店和肉食店都扎着冬青树。Grocery stores and meat markets were strung with holly.

无肉食就可能不会有流血的战争。Without flesh diet there could be no blood-shedding war.

比利真是肉食动物。他不喜欢蔬菜。Billy is really a meat-eater. He doesn't like vegetables.