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这所学校设备简陋。The school is poorly equipped.

林家人住在简陋的房子里。The Lins live in a humble house.

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她住在一个简陋的小房间。She lived in a grotty little room.

我的孩子们称它为设施简陋的镇子。My children call it a one-horse town.

一张简陋的大竹床铺着厚厚的稻草。A crude bed was covered by thick straws.

她似乎宁肯坐那辆简陋寒酸的马车。She would have preferred the humble cart.

如果你去参加野营,你就得过艰苦简陋的生活。If you go camping you'll have to rough it.

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航空设施极其薄弱简陋。Aviation was lamentably weak and primitive.

房外有个院门,和一条简陋的衃?。It had an outer gate, and a rustic approach.

治疗室环境、设备条件简陋。The equipments of operating- room were badly.

林肯在一个简陋的小木屋里出生。HUMBLE】Lincoln was born in a humble log cabin.

在这座简陋的茅屋里,尤达过着简朴的生活。Inside the hut, Yoda lived a simple existence.

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野营地的设备非常简陋。The facilities were very poor on the campsite.

而穿着简陋的人,常常自悲自弃,抬不起头。And in humble people, often from sad ziqi, lift head.

找有关在一个简陋房屋上的简陋房屋和焦点的外面更多。Find out more about shanties and focus on one shanty.

钩镰民兵手持锋利钩镰,盔甲简陋。Militia unit armed with a billhook and little armour.

他们以简陋的床具或草铺卧于低矮之处。They make low beds, on a pallet or a spread of straw.

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哪些工具在简陋房屋和海洋歌中被用?。Which instruments are used in shanties and sea songs?

许多学校规模很小,只有非常简陋的设备。Many schools are small with only very basic equipment.

全营的人都汇集在空地边一间简陋的小屋前。The great man is said to have been born in a crude hut.