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买一些浓缩汤汁?Buying some soup?

必要时浓缩新闻。Condense it if necessary.

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你是要三份意大利浓缩?Do you want three espressos?

如何做法式洋葱汤浓缩粉。How to make French onion soup mix.

这是一场浓缩的宿命。This is a condensed foreordination.

高浓磨浆前的浆料浓缩。Pulp condense before H. C. whet syrup.

你喝了几杯浓缩咖啡?。How many espressos did you have?- Five.

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橘子汁已经过浓缩。The orange juice has been concentrated.

我想我需要一、两杯双倍义式浓缩咖啡。I guess I need a double espresso or two.

它的油箱被浓缩成了一个容量500毫升的饮料瓶。Its gas tank is a 500ml beverage bottle.

有的人包一生浓缩在一分钟里过了。Some people live a lifetime in a minute.

在这个点无法浓缩。You can't distill it at that point here.

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做一杯意式浓缩咖啡。Make up espresso, using Fairtrade coffee.

浓缩的肉和蔬菜汤罐头、罐头水果果汁、和蔬菜Canned fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables

现在,几乎所有的洗衣液都是浓缩的。Now almost all detergents are concentrated.

能端杯浓缩咖啡和拿铁来吗?。Can I get an espresso and a latte over here?

煤炭就是能量的浓缩储藏室。Coal is a concentrated storehouse of energy.

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海水经浓缩后我们得到盐。On concentration of sea water we obtain salt.

为何泡制一杯浓缩的咖啡。Why orchestrated a cup of coffee concentrates.

耙式浓缩机是理想的原矿脱泥设备。Rake thickener is the idea de slime equipments.