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你不会受罚,没有人会知道。No one will ever know.

他因犯罪而受罚。He was punished for an offence.

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服从法律,否则你将会受罚。OBEY】Obey the law or you will be punished.

在防火线内停车是要受罚的。Parking in the fire lane will lead to fine.

刘春雷多次犯错受罚。Liu Chunlei errs for many times be punished.

他们因在比赛中过于粗野而受罚。They were penalized for too much rough play.

那位夫人说情让黑人们免于受罚。The lady said something to get the niggers off.

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如果你超速驾驶,就要受罚。Should you drive over-speeding, you would be fined.

除了有一次在受罚时轻拍我的后背。Cept pat me on the back one time when I was on my knees.

如果你在犯那个错误,将会受罚。REPEAT】If you repeat that mistake, you will be punished.

我认为那个违章超速驾驶者免不了要受罚。I don't think that speeder will be able to beat this rap.

又在他们神的庙中,喝受罚之人的酒。In the house of their god they drink wine taken as fines.

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法官将于明天裁决哪方将会受罚。The judge will decide which part shall be fined tomorrow.

没有该责任书的房屋租赁行为将受罚。Renting behavior without a security license will be fined.

如果你干扰到白尾灰兔或牛蛙,你将受罚。If you bother the cottontails or bullfrogs, you will be fined.

不要在书上乱涂乱画,那样也会受罚的。Do not write or mark on the book or you'll will be punished, too.

他想归罪于他的兄弟以避免自己受罚。He thought of inculpating his brother to escape punishment himself.

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是定罪受罚还是还其清白,全看变℃的运气。Crime was punished or innocence was decided by the result of chance.

该古罗马军团每百名士兵被抽出一名受罚以镇压其叛乱的趋势。The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.

只要安东尼奥要受罚,我就会要了他的心。Bespeak him a fortnight before, I will have Antonio's heart if he forfeit.