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他们利用低洼地区养鱼。They utilized the low-lying parts to raise fish.

第二个迹象是低洼地区排水更加缓慢。The second sign is that lowlands drain more slowly.

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园内高燥的山地、有低洼的泽圹。Gaozao mountain park, with low-lying swamp bearings.

他的妹妹嫁给了一个更富的低洼地区的男人。His sister married a man from a richer, lower-lying area.

北美等濒临北冰洋的低洼沼泽平原的命名。SiliCa, and North America that border on the Arctic Ocean.

法国中西部一低洼地区,濒临比斯开湾。A low-lying region of west central france on the bay of biscay.

有一年冬天,情况糟透了,我们看见河水漫上低洼的草地。One bad winter we watched the river creep up the lower meadows.

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半淞园街道地势低洼,有多处易积水点。Low-lying semi-Sung Park streets, there are many easy to water points.

鄱阳湖圩区的低洼农田,种植水稻的经济效益不高。The profit gained from raising rice was not well on the low farm land.

水聚集在玄武岩地壳的低洼处形成了海洋。Water fills in low areas of the basalt crust to form the world's oceans.

地势很低洼,长满了人工种下的灰绿色的柳树。The ground was low and covered with a second growth of grey-green willows.

巨浪和风暴随之奔腾冲向内陆,淹没低洼的海岸区域。Giant waves and storm surges rush inland, flooding low-lying coastal areas.

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一个低洼的部分,拥抱炮台公园的长廊也被水淹没。A low-lying section of the promenade hugging Battery Park was also submerged.

实测洪水超过2米的桐城的低洼地区深。Flood waters measured more than 2 meters deep in Tongcheng's low-lying areas.

卡特里娜飓风所引起的汹涌海水淹没了地势低洼岛屿的一半。The surging waters of Hurricane Katrina submerged half of the low-lying islands.

以最高速冲入一个低洼,他不要命地强行穿过,水劈头盖脸砸向汽车。We hit a low stretch at top speed, water swept over the car as he blasted through.

内涝依然很严重,低洼街区变水城。Water logging is still very serious, low-lying neighborhoods change into Water City.

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水流,有一个低洼的土地能够形成一个水池,这是一种自然现象。Water flow, there is a low-lying land can form a pool, which is a natural phenomenon.

我们以最高速冲入一个低洼,他不要命地强行穿过,水劈盖脸砸向汽车。We hit a low stretch at top speed, and water swept over the car as he blasted through.

夜幕降临时,就在我们西边偏北的海平面上,我们看到一个地势低洼的尖呷,离我们只有3哩之远。Towards evening we saw a low-lying point west by north of us, at about 3 miles distance.