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他就喜欢在小事儿上操心。It's difficult for him not to niggle.

史蒂文,你在小事上操的心太多了。Steven, you worry too much about small things.

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命运无形的手在命运的棋盘上操控。Destiny's invisible hand moving pieces on a chessboard.

命运无形的手在命运的棋盘上操控。Destiny's invisible hand moving pieces on a chessboard.

古代突厥文是历史上操突厥语诸民族最早使用的一种文字。Old Turkic script is the earliest writing used by the Turkic peoples.

然而很多IRLP用户没有在HF上操作过,从来没想到过要印一样QSL卡。With many IRLP users not being on HF they may have never considered having QSL cards printed.

这位年轻的教师利用业余时间,在首都的101区一座阁楼上操办了一个设计团体。In his free time, the young schoolteacher runs a design community in a loft in the capital's hip 101 District.

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新机体围绕着一个回转轴,它能让人在五层高的柱体上操控复制品。The new craft's body was constructed around a rotor, which allowed the replica to be manipulated atop a five-story-tall column.

虽然最终未能得到排名,但大家能够在旺角大球场上操步,已是一种无上的光荣。兄弟姊妹,希望在明天!Although we can't get a placings, but we can march in the Mongkok Stadium, it's crowning glory. Our Friends, Hope in tomorrow! ! !

在伊拉克首都巴格达的努马尼耶军事基地,伊拉克国家警察在毕业典礼上操步。Iraqi National Police march during their graduation ceremony at Numaniyah Military Training Base, south of Baghdad, January 21, 2008.

围墙里面万一没人找得着方向一辆艾布拉姆斯主战坦克,另一个大兵在炮塔上操控着.50口径的机枪。And inside the fence in case no one got the point an Abrams battle tank, another soldier manning the . 50 caliber from the open turret.

我们的博客阅读器控制器侦听来自视图组件的事件流并通过在模型上操作对其进行响应。Our blog reader controller listens to events flowing from the view components and reacts to them by operating on the model. In general, the UI events are

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此项名为「流动电话与用户自我看法的关系」的民意调查访问了1,535名流动电话用户,访问对象皆为十八岁或以上操粤语的香港市民。The study, "Mobile Phones and Users' Self Perception", polled a total of 1,535 Hong Kong Cantonese-speaking residents aged 18 or above who currently possess a mobile phone.