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我爱你青松气质。I love your temperament of verdant pines.

我的生活很执著,想青松一样屹立不倒。My life is dedicated, to survive, like pine.

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几棵青松挺立在山坡上。Several pine trees stand erect on the hillside.

友谊是一棵青松,四季长青!Friendship is a pine trees, the four seasons evergreen!

公司图片青松电器厂成立于1987年。Qingsong electric appliance factory was established in 1987.

青松影里诗鸿雁,白石岩前酒鹡鸰。Pine shadows poetry goose, white wagtail, Shiyan wine before.

2003年,她向当时新概念唯一的业主乔青松提出要求加工资。In 2003, she demanded a higher salary from Qiao, the sole owner at the time.

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魔石就满足了老石匠的第一个祈愿,使他变成了一棵青松。Magic stone will satisfy the old masons first wish that he became a pine trees.

⊙、大雪压青松,青松挺且直,要知松高洁,待到雪化时。Heavy snow green pines, pine stand and straight to know nobleness, until the snow.

她对我和我男友很好,”电影人程青松在他的微博上写道。She treats me and my boyfriend well,” filmmaker Cheng Qingsong wrote on his microblog.

休斯敦绿草如茵,青松滴翠,远远超出许多人的想象,但可以称为天然美景的却很少。While far more green and lush than many people realize, Houston can claim few natural charms.

境内有北方著名的祖山风景旅游区和青松岭度假村。There is the famous ancestors in the northern mountain tourist resort area and the pine ridge.

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高壮的青松呵!大自然因你而美丽,人的心智因你而走向崇高!Lofty and strong green pine, you make the great Nature more beautiful and the human spirit nobler.

青松说这些行为只是他发自本能的帮助,甚至并不以小阳回到他身边为前提。Qingsong said he was trying to help Sun based on an instinct, and didn't expect Sun be back with him.

可由泽丰街、青松观路及轻铁泽丰站的出口前往。It is accessible from Chak Fung Street, Tsing Chung Koon Road and Light Rail Transit of Affluence station.

柳树、桦树、杨树早早就进入了冬眠期,只有青松还在傲立寒冬。Willow, birch, poplar early on into the hibernation period, only the pine is still standing proudly winter.

其地五峰高耸,山峰形状各异,环列如屏,山上青松如画,怪石嵯峨。Their land Wufeng tall, peak shapes, ring out, such as screen, picturesque mountain pine, rocks and towering.

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您的心灵像雪一样纯净,您的人格像青松一般高洁!赞美您!敬爱的老师。Your soul is as pure as snow, your personality is as noble as pine trees! All praise to you, our beloved teacher.

秋天树叶儿也枯黄了,但青松、翠柏、香樟的叶子却是那么的绿,直逼你的眼。Autumn leaves flutter past also withered and yellow, but the pine, cypress, camphor leaves are so green, as your eyes.

这些目的地及拥有古铜色皮肤的人们,被青松翠柏簇拥着,依旧保留着它的异国情调。These destinations and their bronzed peoples, surrounded by cypress trees and olive groves, still retain an exotic allure.