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和自己早已被风吹干的泪痕!And the oneself had blown dry tear!

拭干你腮边伤心的泪痕。It wipes the sad tear stains on you cheeks dry.

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拭干你腮边伤心的泪痕。It wipes the sad tear stains on your cheeks dry.

擦干你腮边伤心的泪痕。It wipes the sad tear stains on your cheeks dry.

贞洁的白袍沾满了你的泪痕。But when tears stained thy robe of vestal-whiteness.

我不忍看她那布满泪痕的脸。I could not bear to look at her tear- streaked face.

我多想为您拭干心中的泪痕。How much I want to wipe away the tears in your heart.

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——假如说这些溪流,一英里长的闪亮泪痕For if those streaks, those mile-long, shiny, tearstains

佛像的脸上布满乌黑色的“泪痕”,鼻子已经全部变黑。Its face is streaky with sooty tears, and its nose blackened.

我愿是您手中丝绢,轻拭您点点泪痕。And let me be Your handkerchief, To gently dry Your tears wept.

她在车里匆匆擦了点胭脂,以遮盖泪痕。She dabbed her face quickly in the car to cover the tear stain.

她向街上的那个男人求助。那个人甚至可以看出她面上的泪痕。She calls out to the man on the street. He can see she's been crying.

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金亚倩吸吸鼻子,用手擦拭掉自己脸上的泪痕。Kim Yaqian suction aspiration nose, hand- wipe the tears off his face.

想起那未被发现的爱,娇嫩的的脸庞上印着两条深深的泪痕。Remembered that undetected love, delicate face printed on the two deep tears.

在她的脸上,依稀可以看见哭过的泪痕,还有那淡淡的绝望。In her face, vaguely Kuguo the Leihen can see, there are the touch of despair.

她擦了擦双眼,一丝微笑在她满是泪痕的脸上绽开。She wiped her eyes, and a slight smile began to crease her tear-stained cheeks.

昼夜既然在下落不明的断电泪痕里侵蚀了情深迷离的倩影。The night in missing since the power eroded the traces figures of love is blurred.

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但是,历史的斑斑泪痕没有消磨比爱利亚人的乐观和智慧。However, the tears of history has not eroded the Pierians' optimism and intelligence.

宿舍里一张张灿烂的笑脸已不存,一张沾满泪痕的脸庞缓缓移动到每一个人身上。Dorm room beaming smile has gone, a tear-stained face slowly moving to each individual.

她往后站了站,脸色通红,满脸泪痕。”只是因为你现在看上去完全不一样了。She stood back, her face red and blotchy. "It's just that you look so different now. ""