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照她一个密友的话说,简直是“容光焕发”。One friend described her as "glowing".

向你的密友倾诉你的焦虑。Share your anxieties with a confidant.

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学校应该禁止交密友吗?Should Schools Be Allowed to Ban BFFs?

下面是我的密友喜欢的围巾样式及颜色。Belows are my secret pal's preferences.

她把这事告诉给了一个密友,一个长舌妇。She told her story to Closer, a scandal rag.

再次和闺中密友去泡吧!Go with the cater-cousin in boudoir again bubble!

完美的人很内向,只有两个密友。Perfect people are introverts with two close friends.

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欢迎会只限于几个密友参加。The reception will be limited to a few close friends.

你的同事、你的理发师还有你的密友?Your work mates, your hairdresser, your close friend?

我是他们的密友、朋友,他们的同盟。I have been their confidant, their friend, their ally.

从那以后,它们就成为你的知交、密友。From that point they become your intimates and friends.

我有几个闺房密友可以分享我的秘密。I have several intimates with whom to share my secrets.

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告诉你事实吧,他们在密友之外更是竞争对手。Truth be told, they are rivals far more than confidants.

我有一些挑剔,所以也许密友比其他人要少。I am a bit picky so it's probably fewer than other people.

假如你和你的密友在餐厅吃饭。Let's say, you're at a restaurant with your closest friend.

是什么使得理发师与他们成为如此好的密友?What is about hairdressers that make them such good confidants?

分析她的密友多萝西所有的孩子。above all the children of her close friend, Dorothy Burlingham.

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我的密友和家人不需要跟我客套寒暄。My close friends and family needed no ceremonious preliminaries.

不过我们可以责怪他们总是让孩子们的密友受到打扰。Though we can still blame them for that annoying child sidekick.

佩莱昂忠心耿耿地服务于索龙身旁,如同他的至亲密友。Pellaeon served loyally at Thrawn's side as his trusted confidant.