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我们去上学。We go to scholl.

你喜不喜欢上学?。Do you enjoy shool?

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为什么不能为上学拼车?Why not for school?

你是怎样去上学?How do you go to shool?

我在银星学校上学。I am in Yinxing school.

我步行去学校上学。I go to school on foot.

我的儿子常坐渡轮去上学。My son often to school.

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嗨,世通,今天上学还好吗?Hi Stone. How was school?

你明天还要上学。You have school tomorrow.

你最好别上学迟到。You'd better late school.

枝子开始在新学校上学。Mieko starts a new school.

你在哪所学校上学?Which school do you go to?

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他将去小丑学校上学。He will go to clown school.

我在南海大学上学。I attend Nanhai University.

詹妮,今天上学情况怎样?So, Janie, how was school ?

第二章去上学吗?Chapter Two Going to School?

我在五一小学上学。I go to Wuyi Primary School.

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我在新道街小学上学。I'm in Class ten Grade four.

上学了,还在做着飞翔梦。In school, in the dream fly.

小木偶皮诺丘去上学。Pinocchio's going to school.