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所以吃些粗茶淡饭、适量饮食。So eat simply and moderately.

精盐、胡椒粉各适量。Salt, pepper the right amount.

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新鲜胡萝卜、粳米各适量。Fresh carrots, the amount of rice.

用适量的机油添入引擎。Fill engine with proper amount of oil.

也有适量听力测验There'll be a fair amount of listening.

把适量的牛至叶均匀撒在牛肉上。Sprinkle some oregano all over the beef.

如果可以,适量使用关键词。Use appropriate keyphrases when you can.

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取适量胶水均匀涂抹在道钉上。Take appropriate glue evenly on the spike.

加入适量冰水,混合成一个面团。Add enough iced water to mix it to a dough.

不要忘了要加入适量的盐和黑胡椒调味。Don't forget to add salt and pepper to taste.

将煎好的水豆腐置入盘里,淋上适量的酱油即可。Dish out and sprinkle with soy sauce to taste.

用茶刀或茶锥等专用器具从茶饼上撬下适量茶块。Use wimble to prize some pieces from the cake.

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那就再取一些食物,但要适量。Dig in again, but keep it reasonably portioned.

绿豆一大碗、冰糖适量。A large bowl of mungbean, crystal sugar moderate.

把布打开,可根据个人口味加入适量的盐。Open the cloth and add a pinch of salt if desired.

红枣,大米,适量水一起烹饪而成。Dates from cooking together, rice, amount of water.

菜馅内再补加适量的盐,并搅拌均匀。CaiXian again in a pinch of salt, add and stir well.

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你采用一些缓和的减肥饮食疗法和进行适量的体育锻炼。You make some moderate dietary and exercise changes.

报告同时指出,适量进食全谷类食物有助降低上述风险。The report suggests more cereal food to cut the risk.

适时,适量地给予,这是一个好园丁的技艺。Timely, appropriate to give, this is a good gardener.