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这是一个延伸。That is a stretch.

海岸线向南延伸。The coastline bent south.

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它沿着那个方向延伸,It stretches over that way,

这条路从这儿向东延伸。The road goes east from here.

这公路延伸到大同。The highway reaches to Datong.

这条路从这里将要延伸到何处Where this road leads from here

边界延伸到河边。The border extends to the river.

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篱笆一直延伸到牧草地。The fence extends to the meadow.

领带要延伸到你的皮带。Your tie should reach your belt.

这面墙一直延伸到田野里。The wall runs out into the field.

这个峡谷从东向西延伸。The valley goes from east to west.

一条路延伸到群山之中。A road pushes toward the mountains.

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变性,退火,和延伸。Denaturing, annealing, and extending.

海滩延伸到海平线之外。The beach extends beyond the horizon.

森林延伸到边界以外。The forest extends beyond the border.

这条小河向北延伸。The small stream verges to the north.

这堵墙延伸到公园的尽头。The wall runs to the end of the park.

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这是一个伟大的延伸的投票率。This is a great stretch for turn-out.

道路穿越平原,向远方延伸。Across the plain, the road extends far.

无翅的没有翼或翼状延伸的。Having no wings or winglike extensions.