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牵牛星与织女和天津四相比,光亮度还是略为逊色。Altair is not as bright as Vega and Deneb.

七夕节坐着仰望牵牛星和织女星是中国人的一个习俗。It is a custom for Chinese to watch the Altair and Vega on the chairs.

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他还知道如何每天花不到三十牵牛星元就能看到宇宙里好玩的东东。He knew how to see the Marvels of the Universe for less than thirty Altairan dollars a day.

文章赞扬了保罗·艾伦和比尔·盖茨开发了牵牛星的BASIC代码。The article inspires Paul Allen and Bill Gates to develop a BASIC Interpreter for the Altair.

日落后率先在西方天空中出现的三颗星星是织女星,牵牛星和天津四。The first three stars to pop out into your western sky after sunset are Vega, Altair and Deneb.

MITS公司推广由盖茨和艾伦开发的“牵牛星”使用的语言BASIC。MITS promotes Altair BASIC, the computer language developed by Gates and Allen for the Altair computer.

夜晚的东方,你将能看到在牵牛星的范围附近的明亮的天鹰座。In the east after dark, near the horizon Altair, the brightest star in Aquila, the Eagle, will be visible.

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牵牛星,河鼓二天鹰座的一颗非常明亮的,易变的双星,距地球约15。A very bright, variable, double star in the constellation Aquila, approximately15.7 light-years from Earth.

他们也将用模拟器学习如何与国际空间站接合和如何驾驶新的月球登陆车“牵牛星”号登陆月球表面。They will also use simulators to learn how to dock with the ISS and how to fly the new lunar lander, Altair, down to the moon’s surface.

她们是天琴座的织女星,天鹅座的天津四和天鹰座的牵牛星。They are Vega in the constellation Lyra the Harp, Deneb in the constellation Cygnus the Swan, and Altair in the constellation Aquila the Eagle.

在秋夜天空的繁星当中,我们至今还可以看见银河两边有两颗较大的星星,晶莹地闪烁着,那便是织女星和牵牛星。In the autumn the stars in the sky, we still can see the Milky way on both sides have two big star, bright shining, that is the Vega and altair.

工程师们仍然在设计“猎户星”号和“牵牛星”号,但就像在“阿波罗”年代,宇航员参与进行每一步。Engineers are still working on the designs for Orion and Altair but, as in the Apollo days, astronauts are involved in the process at every step.

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这对可怜的夫妻变成了星星,牛郎变成了牵牛星,织女成了织女星,把他们分开的河就是银河。The poor couple each became a star, the Cowherd, Altair and the Girl Weaver, Vega. The wide river that kept them apart is known as the Milky Way.

所谓的地球分离级和牵牛星月球着陆器在核心级之上,被发射进入轨道后,与载有登月宇航员的猎户座太空船会合。A so-called Earth Departure stage and Altair lunar lander would sit atop the core stage and be launched into orbit to meet Orion spacecraft carrying moon-bound astronauts.

恒利威的职员艾伦,和他的朋友、哈佛大学大二学生盖茨,马上开发出适合首台个人电脑“牵牛星”的程序语言BASIC。Allen, employed by Honeywell, and his friend, Gates, a sophomore at Harvard, immediately set out to adapt the first personal computer language for the Altair, called BASIC.

比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦抓住了机会,他们将早期的个人电脑变成了时代的突破——“牵牛星”需要软件,它需要一个执行有价值运算任务的程序语言。Bill Gates and Paul Allen seized the opportunity to transform this early PC into a breakthrough -- the Altair needed software, a programming language that could make it perform useful computing tasks.