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新法也会使积案不再增长。The law will also stop the backlog from growing.

由于各种条件的限制,导致了刑事积案与日俱增。Various conditionality results in increasingly growth of long-pending criminal cases.

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因此,新趋势的后果之一,是使本来已经非常严峻的积案问题更加恶化。A consequence of the new trends, then, is exacerbation of the already disturbing backlog problem.

他与本德创建了维多克学会,这一团体由退休侦探等人士组成,每月在费城聚会,试图破解陈年积案。The group, made up of retired investigators and others, meets monthly in Philadelphia to try to solve cold cases.

如果不实行新法案,那么到2012年积案将有望达到150万、等待期将长达10年。Without the bill, the backlog was projected to grow to 1.5 million by 2012, with corresponding wait times of 10 years.

警方还会采用最新的法庭科学技术和侦查手段来侦查陈年积案,而这些技术和手段是警方四十年前所不具有的。We can also use forensic analysis and technology that didn't exist 40 years ago to solve cases that once looked unsolvable.

程高本后四十回之真伪与艺术上之得失,是红学研究的一大积案。The true and false judgment of Cheng and Gao edition's back forty chapters as well as its artistic value are the pending problems in "Red" study.

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江必新还透露,在今年清理执行积案行动结束之后,最高院将公布典型腐败案例。Jiang Bixin still discloses, clear this year after action of executive a long-pending case ends, highest courtyard will announce typical and corrupt case.

要改变目前执行中效益不佳,积案严重的状况,需在执行管辖制度和执行期限制度方面加以完善。To change the present situation of case accumulation because of poor execution, system of execution administration and execution deadline should be improved.

通过合作伙伴关系,一些人权团体会持续不断地向我们提供他们认为对于侦查那些陈年积案有价值的信息线索,包括我们过去没有注意到的线索。Through the partnership, the civil rights organizations will continue to feed us information about cases they feel merit another look—or that we may have overlooked in the past.

为了及时处理积案和集中力量查处大案,美、德、意等国家的法律规定了辩诉交易程序。In order to deal with long-pending cases and focus on investigating and prosecuting serious cases, the United States, Germany, Italy etc. have placed procedure of plea bargaining in their laws.

他说,矿井检查员发出传询时的主观臆断以及缺乏对此类传询上诉抗辩的途径,是监管机构面临大量积案的主要原因。He said a subjective approach by mine inspectors in issuing citations and a lack of alternatives to appeals for contesting these citations was largely to blame for the backlog faced by regulators.