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这是一种上佳的混成咖啡。This is a good blend of coffee.

问题是他想去哪儿,想混成什么样。At question is where he wants to be, which is the NBA.

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扶手椅与地毯的颜色很好的混成一体。The armchair blends well with the colour of the carpet.

人类能关注的东西本身就有限,而这些东西往往却都杂七杂八混成一团。There is also only so much human attention, and it tends to clump.

一端为橙色,一端为红色,这两种颜色在中间混成一色。One end is orange, one end is red, and the colours merge in the middle.

无论这两种界面使用哪种混成管理器,只要确保用户可以自定义便可。Regardless of which it uses, just make sure compositing can be customized.

他要取水挖掘红泥,并把它混成稠密的粘土。He had to carry water and dig up the red earth and mix it into a stiff clay.

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我们是否应该让段段就关系“混成堆肥”,只同那些“有机单纯”的人们交往?We should compost old relationships and only get involved with organic people ?

他掸掉了一大堆枯叶、松针、蜘蛛网、虫茧和昆虫的尸体混成的垃圾。He brushed away the debris of leaves and pine needles, webs, cocoons and insect corpses.

一只混成部队是非常必要的,因为你的对手通常都会有常备的守军。A good mix of units is necessary, since your opponents will usually have a standing army.

然而,对混成耕牧制的研究目前尚不充分,文献记载又残缺不全。Research on this lifestyle, however, is not adequate and historical record is incomplete.

跟我们联系的造词者向来喜欢混成词,这个词就是其中之一。Portmanteaus are always popular among the word coiners that contact us. This is one of them.

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位于深水地平线钻油平台现场,石油与啡色浪花混成了浓稠乌黑的波浪。Thick black waves of oil and brown whitecaps churn at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

洞庭湖是由构造运动奠定基本格局,又叠加了江河作用以及人类活动的多因素的混成湖。Dongting basin was shaped not only by tectonic movement but also by potamic and anthropogenic influence.

现在中文,英文,韩文在我脑袋里混成一团,所以我写的这些可能错误百出。Now Chinese , English , Korean are mixed in my head , so now I write this letter maybe have many errors.

在他头上三十英尺光景,树干以及垂挂下来的藤蔓在绿蒙蒙的暮色中混成一片。The tree trunks and the creepers that festooned them lost themselves in a green dust thirty feet above him.

震耳欲聋的警报声响彻四方,恼火、宽慰与好奇混成一团,涌进我的脑海。A piercing wail erupted from all sides, and a squabbling mixture of annoyance, relief and curiosity filtered into my mind.

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咱将来也能混成个顶天立地的大人物!你一定要等着咱,好生地看着。We can also mix into in the future of indomitable spirit someone! You must wait us and alive ground to looking at so much.

本论文研究的主要目的在于探讨奈米软磁铁氧体混成微米硬磁颗粒制备而成的复合磁性材料其磁物理特性。This aim of this thesis is to study the magnetic properties of composite material made of soft magnetic ferrites and hard magnetic NdFeB.

在大学,我是大学兄弟会预备会员,接着没有通过考察成了菜鸟,最后混成转校生,到现在为止我仍然为某些所谓的“兄弟”组织其挑剔程度惊愕不已。In college, I was Pledge and then Disappointed and then Transfer Student. I am still amazed at how picky certain so-called “brotherly” organizations can be.