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代扣代缴印花税!Withholding stamp duty.

必须废止这个不公正的印花税案。The unjust Stamp Act must be annulled.

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1766年,英国议会撤消了印花税法案。In 1766, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act.

印花税、佣金、过户费、委托费、结算费一目了然。Stamp duty, commissions, transfer fees, fees, settlement costs at a glance.

至于印花税和律师费将由买卖双方平分。The stamp duty and the legal costs will be shared equally between both of you.

最近,各州政府取消了首次购房者的印花税。More recently, state governments have abolished stamp duty for first-time buyers.

印花税、佣金、过户费、委托费、结算费一目了然。Stamp duty, commission, transfer fees, commission fees, clearing fees at a glance.

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需要提醒您的是,印花税实行的是轻税重罚政策,旨在督促纳税人养成自觉纳税的习惯。What I'd like to remind to the Stamp Tax to encourage taxpayers'sense of self-compliance.

房地产税﹑场地使用费﹑契税印花税﹑车辆使用牌照税等。Real estate tax, fee for use of ground, deed tax, stamp tax, vehicle license tax, and etc.

印花税的纳税人包括在中国境内书立、领受规定的经济凭证的单位和个人。Any enterprises and individuals who execute or receive specified economic documents in China.

有些州的法规对股票销售征收特种税,通常是以印花税的形式征收。Some state statutes impose special taxes, usually in the form of stamp tax, on sales of stock.

其他征免事宜,均按照印花税现行规定执行。The current regulations on stamp tax shall be acted upon in rd to other tax-exemption matters.

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长期看来,你将会因此而赚更多的钱,至少因为你少交了许多印花税和交易费。You'll make more money in the long run, in part because you'll minimize your taxes and trading fees.

印花税是世界各国普遍征收的一个税种,它的历史悠久,最早始于1624年的何兰。First introduced in Netherlands in 1624 the Stamp Taxisa popular tax with a long history in the world.

但一年前的交易数据部分反映了在最新印花税调整前的那轮购房潮。But the transaction figures a year ago partly reflect a rush to buy ahead of the latest stamp duty changes.

缴付本协议须付的印花税,或向买方付还就本协议已缴付的印花税。Pay the Stamp Duty payable on this Agreement or reimburse to the Buyer the Stamp Duty paid on this Agreement.

贵司可以从帐户中扣除该等佣金、收费、交易徵费、交易费、结算费及印花税项。You may deduct such commissions, charges, levies, trading fee and clearing fee and stamp duties from the Account.

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北京有关税务局说,新条例推出,主要是为了规避契税和印花税的收入损失。Department said that new regulations introduced mainly in order to circumvent the deed tax and stamp duty revenue loss.

于是在1765年英国议会通过了印花税法案,这样就能在殖民地多征收四十多种的交易税。So, in 1765, Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which taxed more than forty kinds of business transactions in the colonies.

也就是说个人出售已购并居住一年的普通住宅,只需要缴纳印花税和个人所得税。This individual has been sold a year acquisitions ordinary residential living only need to pay stamp duty and income tax.