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是什么?佛陀舍利。What is it? Buddha Sarira.

难道佛陀过闷气爸爸?Did The Buddha ever sulk Daddy?

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他就像一个疾病造成的佛陀。He was like a pathological Buddha.

那是我为佛陀建的舍利塔。That is a tower for Buddha's bone.

以正念明觉,为佛陀的法的继承人。The Buddha's heir, aware and mindful.

我寻求庇护于后者,佛陀I take refuge in the latter, the Buddha

佛陀护起鸽子,不让老鹰抓到。The Buddha protected it from the eagle.

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现在,他们屏除了过去有关佛陀的一些想法。Now they have removed one idea of Buddha.

佛陀玩具对野物滔滔不绝toy buddhas on 202 talking to wild things

一由旬,佛陀说,等于A yojana, the Buddha said, is equivalent to

其中有一间庙有一座由两吨纯金打造成的佛陀。One has a two-ton Buddha made of solid gold!

也曾经教化过无数其他的佛陀who also taught about countless other Buddhas

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杜非常感激观音和佛陀。Du was very grateful to Guanyin and the Buddhas.

我不懂这个“佛陀跟热狗摊贩”的笑话?I don't understand the "Buddhist hot-dog " joke?

教导我们也可以成为向他们那样的佛陀。who taught that we can become Buddhas like them too.

佛陀作为归依的功能,是藉着传法进行的。The Buddha serves as a refuge by teaching the Dhamma.

我知道佛陀是对的,因此克里希那穆提是错的。I know the Buddha was right, so Krishnamurti is wrong.

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佛陀你为何还要为他授记?Oh Buddha, why did you give him such a great blessing?

佛陀曾说,苦痛是在不断的渴求中诞生的。The Buddha once claimed that desire creates suffering.

佛陀从没有建立或教导过任何宗教、或主义。He never established or taught any religion, any “ism”.