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这剧团在上演“马克白”。The group is doing "Macbeth".

他碰到“大剧院”剧团里的一个姑娘。He had met a Bolshoi ensemble girl.

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这是全国唯一的专业乱弹剧团。This is the only major Luan Theater.

1828年,一个湖北剧团来到北京。In 1828 a troupe of Hubei came to Beijing.

剧团正在全国各地巡回演出。The theatrical troupe is touring the country.

我觉得苹果公司就像个剧团。Apple, I think, is run like a theater company.

唐山市皮影剧团成立于1943年。Tangshan shadow play troupe was founded in 1943.

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他确实是这个剧团最好的演员。He is without doubt the best actor in this troup.

她在一个轮演剧目剧团里上演三年。She acted with a repertory company for three years.

嘉莉来到这里求见剧团经理。Here Carrie asked to see the manager of the company.

该保留剧目轮演剧团重演30年以前的戏剧。The repertory company revived plays from 30 years ago.

烛花木偶剧团是澳大利亚唯一一个大型木偶剧团。Snuff Puppets are Australia's only giant puppet company.

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安德烈亚的梦想是在国际化的剧团演出。Andrea's dream is to perform in a national theater group.

夏加尔一生钟爱戏剧和马剧团。Chagall had a life-long love of the theater and the circus.

木棉剧团正在茁壮成长,就像美丽坚实的木棉花一样。Kapok is growing strong, just like the sturdy, silky flower.

建于1912左右的Dixie剧院拥有着一支剧团,在暑期轮演剧目。The circa-1912 Dixie Theatre hosts a summer repertory group.

这出地方剧目一直是这个剧团赖以为生的看家节目。This local play has been the bread and butter of the troupe.

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年内,剧团举办这些表演及工作坊共14次,观众总数达9280人次。It gave 14 performances and workshops to 9280 people in 1997.

可是,剧团经理部的人似乎并没有从中看出什么。Still, the management did not seem to have seen anything of it.

参加业余剧团,在里面扮演一个小角色Join an amateur dramatic society and act a minor part in a play.