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我国独立似乎消失在烟霞。My independence seems to vanish in the haze.

烟霞,你知道,它也会很快消失。Or haze, you know, it'll go away pretty quickly.

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盯着黑点。灰色的烟霞在哪儿?Stare at the black dot. Where does the gray haze go?

这样,所有给这一年笼上厚厚的烟霞笼罩着。As such, all give this past year cage with a thick haze.

粉碎机,一个7岁的狗,已制定了一个白色烟霞,她的眼睛。Mincer , A 7-year-old dog, has developed a white haze in her eyes.

东风增强,烟霞随风向西飘离香港。Easterly winds strengthened. Haze drifted west away from Hong Kong.

当地人称这一个瀑布为“莫西奥图尼亚”,也就是“雷鸣的烟霞”。Locals call the falls "Mosioa Tunya, " or "The Smoke that Thunders. "

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对月卧云如野鹿,时时买酒醉烟霞。Lying clouds on the month as a wild, drunken haze from time to time to buy.

海港两边的屋子,还在早晨烟霞中半睡着哩。Houses on either side of the harbor were still half asleep amid the morning mist.

望远镜将我们所谓的烟霞迅速扩大至无数、遥远的星体。Binoculars cause the so –called haze to explode into view as myriad, distant stars.

受卢碧的外围下沉气流影响,香港将于周末变为天晴并有烟霞。LUPIT's subsidence will bring fine and hazy weather to Hong Kong towards the weekend.

受卢碧的外围下沉气流影响,未来数天香港将会天晴并有烟霞。LUPIT's subsidence will bring fine and hazy weather to Hong Kong in the next few days.

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有更多的照片,东部地区有烟霞节的张贴在照片一节我们的简介。There are more photos of the Eastern Haze festival posted in the pics section of our profile.

森垃克的下沉气流将会于未来两天继续为香港带来酷热和有烟霞的天气。SINLAKU's subsidence will continue to bring very hot and hazy weather to Hong Kong in the next two days.

好茶需好水,距离烟霞茶院约百米处,有“铁佛泉”。Good tea needs good cooking water. Around 100 meters away from Yanxia Tea House, there is the "Tiefo Spring."

岩下还有烟霞洞,左为石龙首、石蟾蜍、伏象朝真石、降龙石等。Under the still- hazy rock, left for the first Shilong, stone toad, V, as in real stone, stone and other Xianglong.

他往回走了,李拉把大麻叶吐在草丛里。残阳如血,烟霞漫天,色彩斑斓,他们复又躺在了车篷上。When he returned, Lyla spat leaves into the grass, and the sun bled into the sky, purple-orange-pink, and they lay on the hood, again.

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现在的傍晚,银河将延伸至整个天宇。光用眼睛来看,你可能觉得它有点像烟霞。The galaxy stretches across the sky during the evening hours now. when you look at it with the eye alone, you might think it looks hazy.

虽然这种服务提供了数年,中国的法律已经有烟霞的保镖的合法性,促使许多公司在过去自称保安服务公司。"Only two or three bodyguard service companies are professional here," Chen said. "More than 10 others are mainly security service firms."

如果再往里面移步,则是一个延绵不断的火山湖,呈现蓝、橙、红、白等七色交错的湖面,蒸腾缕缕奇妙的烟霞。If directed toward inside again, is an unbroken volcanic lake, appear blue, orange, red, white wait seven colors interlaced lake, transpiration fast-you wonderful phantasy.