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哦,那并没有费多大的周折。Oh, that! Not much trouble.

我没费周折就找到了他的小房子。I found his little house with no trouble.

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本就是那个费莉希蒂百般周折跟着去纽约的那个男孩。Ben is the guy that Felicity follows to New York.

他们颇费周折才使提议得到批准。They had difficulty in fighting their proposal through.

及至拿到或运到家中,打开时也是煞费周折。And it is also a big headache to have it opened at home.

从那时起他在事业上一直没有遇到周折。Since that time there has never been any setback in his career.

基于这些,他们表示,回家再周折也是值得的。This, they say, makes all the trouble of getting home worthwhile.

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如果把他们掉换一下,那汉代打江山不仅还要费多少周折。If you swap them, then not only the Han Dynasty also much trouble.

着陆后,这些小伙子花费了很多周折才重新聚集起来。It took them great effort to assemble after landing on the ground.

如果它们要在市场融资,将需要费一番周折。These will struggle should they need to raise money in the markets.

不过另一方面,“娇韵诗”在争取男性消费者的时候也颇费了一番周折。On the other hand, Clarins has struggled when trying to target male consumers.

现在是运动科学教授的格雷戈里·布朗费了一番周折才懂得这点。Gregory Brown, who is now a professor of exercisescience, learned this the hard way.

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司汤达在确定这部作品的书名时还是颇费了一番周折。Stendhal took a lot of time and care in deciding what the title of his novel would be.

但是要找到一个可以给柴油驱动的汽车加油的地方可能会大费周折。But it can be more of a challenge to find a place to fill up a car that runs on diesel.

获取软件专利是大费周折的一件事,但主要的工作量不在技术上。Getting software patents takes a lot of work, but it's not primarily engineering effort.

虽然我们都知道电子阅读器是出版业的未来,但推广起来却破费周折。We all know ereaders are the future but it has taken publishers a few years to get on board.

经过一番周折,大陆参访团终于到达台北——彩虹之城。The LGBT delegation from mainland China finally arrives in Taipei after some unexpected trouble.

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华尔街投行花费了数年时间、经历了诸多周折才建立起了在华业务。Wall Street firms have spent years on the often-tortuous road to setting up operations in China.

轻轻松松、毋需大费周折,我们在几小时甚至几分钟内就可以完成可能数周才能完成的“艰辛工作”。You can do in a matter of hours or even minutes what it might take weeks to do through “hard work.”

再说两个哥哥认为弟弟傻,相信他找不到甚么好地毯,也就不想费周折用心找了。Now the other two thought that their brother was so stupid that he would not find anything to bring home.