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对沵的感情很深,可是沵却让俄做到了无关痛痒。Of your deep feelings, but you can make me to be of no importance.

对著自己的两个孩子,我常常想,无关痛痒的错,就由他去犯吧!Facing their two children, I often think, bite wrong, committed Go!

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可能大部分是无关痛痒的,但有几个可能就会让你陷入麻烦当中。Most are relatively harmless, but a few may land you in real trouble.

我是你不曾记起的无关痛痒,你是我猜不到的不知所措。I remember that you have not insignificant, you is I can't think of at a loss.

而无关痛痒时,尤其是做些没功劳只有苦劳的活,别做太好。To be of no importance, especially do not credit only hard work, don't do too well.

换言之,有时候撒谎──至少是无关痛痒的小谎──可以有助于两人的关系。In other words, sometimes lies -- at least the little ones -- can help our relationships.

如此多的资金让港府机构忍不住将资金用于一些无关痛痒的项目上。So much money provides bureaucrats with an irresistible temptation to spend on pet schemes.

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那种若有若无的随意就像一阵清风无关痛痒的刮过。That if have if have no of optional like qingfengdian essentially unimportant matters wind.

当你明白人生是一场考验时,你就会知道人生没有一件事是无关痛痒的。When you understand that life is a test, you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life.

地方政府不解决犯罪、贫困和污染这等大事,却在无关痛痒的细节上瞎忙。The local government fiddled while Rome burned, doing nothing about crime, poverty and pollution.

在我担任总统前,这些公司的CEO们就公开承认说这些税金补贴无关痛痒。Before I was President, the CEOs of these companies even admitted that the tax subsidies made no sense.

“你说一些无关痛痒的话,像我喜欢你的靴子之类,也是十分冒险的”,Lenkov警告大家。“You’re really taking a risk by saying something even as innocuous as, ‘I like your boots, ’” says Lenkov.

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他说,他们在张贴奥巴马的信息之前,张贴了一些无关痛痒的假消息,之后就删除了。He said they had posted several innocuous fake messages before sending the Obama tweets, then deleted them.

这个团体表示希望从政者不要再把公帑浪费在一些它认为无关痛痒的项目上。The group says it wants politicians to stop wasting public money on what it believes are frivolous projects.

不用说妳发生什麽事、聊其它无关痛痒的话题、我耍笨逗妳也好。You don't need to tell me what happened, just talk about other stuffs or tease you to make you laugh is fine.

这笔投资被认为是一笔无关痛痒的交易,尽管据证实谈判已经进行了。The deal has been described as a 'non-significant' offer, although it was confirmed that talks had taken place.

很多人宁愿放纵自己,关注健康也仅仅是为了那些其实无关痛痒的事情。Many would rather overindulge and turn an eye on health all in favor of things that frankly aren't as important.

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我们亲密无间,一生一世,有没有激情体验无关痛痒。We are committed to sharing intimacy, to being friends forever but physical attraction is not part of the equation here.

但是,当你置身一个腐败蔓延如此之广的国度,你立了一件好案子其实是无关痛痒的。But, when you come to a country with such extended levels of corruption, it doesn’t matter if you have built a good case.

一部分能力低下、或者喜欢乱开枪的战士被要求“退役”,有的被遣送回家,有的则分到一些无关痛痒的活儿,例如打扫地面。Poor or trigger-happy fighters are sometimes "retired", either sent home or given a menial task, such as sweeping floors.