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大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米。Great trees keep down the little ones.

冬菇、虾米浸软切幼粒。Soak and dice mushroom and dried shrimp.

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别把虾米不当海鲜.Never treat a dried shrimp not as seafood.

别把虾米不当海鲜。学习人语。Never treat a dried shrimp not for seafood.

雷人语录。别把虾米不当海鲜。Never treat a dried shrimp not seeing that seafood.

在虾米星空上跟星友们一起分享吧!那是另一种快乐!To share with us, that must be another kind of happiness.

咸馅一般有鲜肉丁、火腿丁、虾米等。Filling generally have fresh diced salty, ham, shrimp, etc.

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芋头去皮切粒,冬菇浸透切粒,虾米浸软。Soak Chinese dry mushroom and dice. Soak dry shrimp until tender.

把虾米用热水浸泡10分钟,挤干水分。Soak dried shrimps in warm water for 10 minutes, squeeze water out.

烧锅加油爆香虾米、冬菇、腊肉等材料,加入调味兜匀盛起。Heat wok and add oil. Fry dried shrimps, mushroom and Chinese sausages.

肉粽的材料有卤肉、香菇、蛋黄、虾米、笋乾等。Materials have braised pork meat, mushrooms, egg, shrimp, dried and so on.

苍天,她为虾米这么悲惨,被雷劈到穿越有木有?The heavens, she why is so miserable, was recovering to through a wood has?

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会混一点虾米,而且会加上最高级的鱼露来调味。There are baby shrimp mixed in, and only the finest fish sauce is used as a seasoning.

将虾米、炸葱头、肉松以及咸蛋黄铺放在豆腐上。Place dried shrimp, followed by fried shallots, pork floss, and salted egg yolk on tofu.

上桌前,将杧果丝拌入放有花生、虾米等材料的碗内。Before serving, mix the shredded mango into the bowl that contains the peanuts, dry shrimp, etc.

将冬菇、冬笋、烧肉、腊肠及葱切幼粒,虾米浸透剁烂。Cut mushroom, bamboo shoots, preserved sausages and meat into dices. Dice also scallions and dried shrimps.

瑶柱与虾米放入水中浸软,虾米切碎,瑶柱撕丝。Soak dried scallops and shrimps until soft. Tear dried scallops into fine shreds and finely chop dried shrimps.

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炒粉丝的配料有冬菇,虾米,炒鸡蛋,猪肉条和葱。The noodle should be stir-fried with Chinese dried mushroom, dried shrimps, fried eggs, pork strips and spring onion.

他们可以和作为一个甜蜜的点心或平坦、煮汤配蔬菜,肉类和虾米。They can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp.

一个特殊而简单的下降是由辣椒,大蒜,虾米,莱姆汁,鱼露,糖和虾酱。A particular and simple dip is made from chillies, garlic , dried shrimps, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar and shrimp paste.