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这封信准保你能获得申诉的机会。This letter will ensure you a hearing.

我们队准保胜利。You can be sure that our team will win.

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戴夫,这是个准保赚钱的好机会。Dave, it's a sure chance to make some money.

我准保他在这死胡同里。I'll answer for it that he is in the blind alley.

你如果参加了这次聚会,准保看见玛丽。If you were at the party , you must have seen Mary.

凭一封介绍信准保会接待你。A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview.

我准保你看到的是茫茫一片荒原。I can assure you that you will observe a vast wasteland.

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多数的出租车是打表计程的,把车费凑整到最近的五比索准保没错。Most taxicabs are metered, and rounding up to the next five pesos is a good rule of thumb.

大多数的出租车是打表计程的,把车费凑整到最近的五比索准保没错。Most taxicabs are metered, and rounding up to the next five pesos is a good rule of thumb.

大多数的出租车是打表计程的,把车费凑到最近的五比索准保没错。Most taxicabs are metered, and rounding up to the next five pesos is. a good rule of thumb.

水仙拥有令人愉快的气味和形象也准保给你带来笑容。The pleasant scent and look of narcissus are also a sure fire way to put a smile on your face.

如果太过轻松,她知道准保有事发生,说不定就今早上还约会了。Too casual and she would know something was going on, perhaps even a planned meeting this morning.

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这高高的小楼一样的沙子堆,在第二天白天的时候,准保矮了不少。Like this story tall pile of sand, on the second day of the time during the day, for sure a lot shorter.

自然我不敢高攀,说我有写奏折的本领,可是眼前的通常公文是准保能写到好处的。I'm not bragging that I could write legal complaints, but ordinary official documents would have been a cinch for me.

刀子在画里要占个地位,他又决定,要是在星星下带点闪光准保好看。The knife occupied a place in the picture, he decided, and would show well, with a sort of gleam, in the light of the stars.

他只要往你跟前一站,准保你连大气儿都不敢出一口,好几次他大半夜的把流浪汉踢出收容站,就因为那几位跟他回了句嘴。You couldn’t call your soul your own when he was about, and many a tramp had he kicked out in the middle of the night for giving a back answer.