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,我们只是解出了一个临界点。We just solved for a critical point.

这不就是我们找临界点的方法吗?That is how we look for critical points.

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现在,我们即将接近这一临界点。Right now we are nearing that tipping point.

这是我们的汽液共存曲线,这里是临界点。And our gas-liquid line, with a critical point here.

但是当我接近险峻的临界点时,我停下了,木立不动。But as I approached the steep drop-off, I stopped and froze.

临界点可能是局部极小,局部极大,或者鞍点。Possibilities could be a local min, a local max or a saddle.

但是军队称交战状态已经降到“临界点以下”的等级。But the army says militancy is down to a “subcritical” level.

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有没有一个临界点,当它被跨过之后就会释放出邪恶?Is there some set-point which when crossed unleashes the evil?

在我们根除脊髓灰质炎的努力中,我们已达到一个临界点。We have reached a critical point in our drive to eradicate polio.

目前药柱贮存寿命失效临界点一般都是假设确定的。The critical service life for rocket grain was presumed at present.

然而向新型复制因子的这种转移可能会是一个危险的临界点。Yet this shift to a new replicator may be a dangerous tipping point.

南南贸易正开始达到自己的临界点。South-South trade is beginning to acquire a critical mass of its own.

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该模型认为斯维特冰川也正在达到临界点。The modelsuggests Thwaite's glacier has also passed its tipping point.

我们的研究结果不能证实我们是否已经通过了临界点。Our results cannot prove whether we have passed a tipping point or not.

最好的消息是,像大自然一样,我们的社会本身也有临界点。The best news is that, like nature, our society itself has tipping points.

为什么我们不能只是说,它是退化临界点?Why can't we just say, well, it's going to be a degenerate critical point?

在这个临界点上,旧世界的规则与模型要抛弃而被代以新的规则。It is a point where our old models must be discarded and a new reality rules.

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我们能否在大自然达到临界点之前达到我们的临界点?Can we reach our tipping point before nature reaches one of its tipping points?

70-80的智商水平被认为是弱智的临界点,80-90是低于正常水平的智商。A ranking of 70-80 is seen as borderline retarded, while 80-90 is below average.

超越我们自己的临界点,坚决拥抱未来的无碳世界。To cross our own tipping point and decide to embrace a future carbon-free world.