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文思枯竭。Literary thought is dried up.

西恩。埃文思还是适应性很强。Sean Evans again has been very adaptable.

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布莱文思先生说他有很多理由高兴。Mr. Blevins says he has many reasons to be happy.

我愿一倾文思韬略,为您效力!I would like to dump a Taolue Evans, for the effect you!

大卫-科文思是历史上最伟大的中锋之一。Dave Cowens is one of the the greatest centers of all time.

加入国家队和救援不幸文思从消防蹂躏建筑物。Join the Squad and rescue the hapless Darwins from fire ravaged buildings.

埃文思博士希望鼻部认证可以在更大的范围内被确认为一种有效的识别技术。Dr Evans hopes the method can be proven to be effective on this larger sample.

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把笔放在纸上,开动脑筋,涂鸦,随着你双手的移动,你将文思泉涌,并深受鼓舞。Doodle. By moving your hands you’ll stimulate the flow of ideas and inspire yourself.

克莱文思家的巨额财富能轻易吸引到最有才干的战士。The great wealth of Clavius's family easily attracted the highest caliber of warriors.

它的这一强有力的支持层,文思了顶层和病房了皱纹。And it's that strong support layer that evens out the top layer and wards off wrinkles.

埃文思承认落实是一个难题,但在这个方面会有如农业非洲这一类的非政府组织介入。Evans admits implementation is the hard bit, but that's where NGOs like Farm-Africa step in.

我曾有此天赋,我能用文思创造出爱情,就像泥匠用泥块雕塑出杯子。I could make love out of words as a potter makes cups of clay. Love that overthrows empires.

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来自曼哈顿的洛葛仙妮?罗德里格斯粉碎了一张写有“文思枯竭”字样的纸张。Roxanne Rodriguez of Manhattan shredded a piece of paper with "Writer's block" written on it.

文思做的不仅仅是一个网站,而是帮您打造一套属于自己的网络营销系统!We do more than just a website, but to help you build a network marketing system of their own!

来自曼哈顿的洛葛仙妮•罗德里格斯粉碎了一张写有“文思枯竭”字样的纸张。Roxanne Rodriguez of Manhattan shredded a piece of paper with " Writer's block " written on it.

据说从此以后,江淹就文思枯竭,再也写不出什么好的文章了。Reportedly Since then, Jiang Yan on Evans exhausted and could not write the article in any good.

据说从此以后,江淹就文思枯竭,再也写不出什么好的文章了。It is said that henceforth, Jiang Yan on Evans exhausted, no longer Xiebuchu what a good article.

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一开始写作只是她的嗜好,直到后来她文思泉涌,写下自己最成功的一部小说。Writing was at first just a hobby for Shelley until inspiration for her most successful novel came.

埃文思先生是内不拉斯加州贝尔维尤大学的教授,他研究美国婴儿的名字已经有25年了。Mr Evans, a professor at Bellevue University, Nebraska , has studied baby names in the US for 25 years.

埃文思博士承认,初步的结果表明鼻子识别技术有优有劣,但效果还比不了瞳仁认证技术。This initial work is nowhere as good as iris identification but the nose has pros and cons, said Dr Evans.