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我喜欢债务滚雪球。I love the debt snowball.

从那之后,一切就如同滚雪球一般。And from there, it all snowballed.

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这就是众所周知的滚雪球效应。The snowballing effect can be dramatic.

他们在冬天常常滚雪球玩。They often rolled the snowballs in winter.

这就是所谓的正面反馈或滚雪球。That's known as positive feedback or snowballing.

为什么政客们不再滚雪球了?因为雪停了。Why are the politicians no longer connect with snowball fights?

渐渐地,以滚雪球方式形成一个大群舞的主宰直到曲终。Gradually, one large, snowballing finale will dominate the dance-off.

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问题像滚雪球一样越积越多,你必须不断适应新的情况。Problems snowball and you have to constantly adapt to new situations.

然后用一种“滚雪球的方式”来完成朝着完美自我的演变。Then implement a “snowball method” towards becoming your perfect self.

人生就像滚雪球一样,关键是找到很湿的雪和很长的坡。Life is like a snowball, the key is to find a very wet snow and a long slope.

这又会加剧投资公众的疑惑,进而导致滚雪球式的后果。This reinforced the investing public's doubts and caused a snowballing effect.

有时自己去尝试了滚雪球,可是那球怎么都滚不大,也不圆。Sometimes I tried to make a snow ball, somehow, I never made a real big round one.

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创意的形成正如沿着思考路线的滚雪球过程。The idea-forming-process is like an avalanche of amplifications along the thinking path.

概括出的大部分操作指示都是计划着带来滚雪球般和指数函数的影响而设计的。Much of the instruction outlined is designed to have a snowballing and exponential effect.

渐渐地,舞蹈的规模越来越大,滚雪球般地达到高潮,最终在不断的舞蹈中占居优势地位的最大的蜂群获胜。Gradually, one large, snowballing finale will dominate the dance-off. The biggest crowd wins.

很多时候,如果你起床时就感觉很糟糕的话,这一天会像滚雪球一样,变成真正糟糕的一天。And often times, a day that starts out bad just keeps getting worse, snowballing into a really bad day.

但是,当人们开始相信了自我的欺骗,就会像滚雪球越滚越大,这特别危险。But when people start to believe their self-deceptions, it can snowball , which is especially dangerous.

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这会导致滚雪球效应,持卡人将会被不期而至的高利息淹没。This can lead to a snowball effect in which the consumer is drowned by unexpectedly high interest rates.

不断重复以上步骤,你额外拿出来的钱就会像滚雪球一样越滚越大,直到你还清全部债务。Continue this process, with your extra amount snowballing as you go along, until you pay off all your debts.

从心理学上说,滚雪球般的债务只会造成更大的支出,而这些支出将刺激你更快地减少债务。Psychologically, using a debt snowball offers big payoffs, payoffs that can spur you to further debt reduction.