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长江流域设置水尺的历史悠久。The setting up of water gauges in the Yangtze River valley has a long History.

请计算一下本班的装货水尺和集装箱箱数。Please calculate the loading scale and the number of containers of their shift.

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通过分析发现水尺读数误差,对反推入库过程有较大的影响。The error of water gauge reading is found to influence the calculation process.

第一票货完工后需要商检看水尺,请做好准备。It is required for surveyor to check draft after completion of first batch of cargo.

做卸港水尺期间,买方可自费派代表全程监督。Seller may, at Seller's expense, have its representative be present at the time of such determination.

做装港水尺期间,买方可自费派代表全程监督。Buyer may, at Buyer's expenses, have its representative be present during the draft survey at the loading port.

请把左舷或右舷、船中处,提前放好软梯以便看水尺。Please put down soft ladders before hand at portside and starboard side in middle of vessel for draft checking.

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详细介绍了电子水尺的特点、技术参数、安装情况。This thesis makes a detailed description on characteristics, technical parameters, installation situation of the gauge.

水尺计量是现代海运贸易中大宗廉价散货数量交接的重要手段之一。Draft survey is one of the important methods which is used on quantity handing-over of large low-priced bulk cargo of modern ocean-shipping.

我国宋代时期普遍设置用以观测水位的水尺,技术水平较前大为提高。The setting up of water gauge used to observe water level had been and became prevalent, with technical great improvement during the Song Dynasty.

实际应用说明,电子水尺可广泛使用在城市防汛重要地区,能节省土建费用。It's practical application shows that electronic water gauge can be widely used in urban flood control, and that it can save civil construction cost.

船舶水尺计重是国内外广泛用于船舶运输大宗廉价散装货物计量重量的方法,计重结果可作为商业纠纷的依据。Water gauge is a method which is widely used in weighing bulk commodity. The results gained from water gauge can be a powerful proof in commercial disputes.

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依照第82条款,该卸率和由水尺侧脸的重量为按比率装卸货时间的基础。Such discharging rate and the weight determined by the draft survey in accordance with Clause 8.2 shall be the basis for the laytime calculation, fractions prorata.

分析船舶水尺计重精度的影响因素,给出提高船舶水尺计重精度的对策。This paper studied the factors in vessel draft survey, and analyzed the reasons of errors, and thus provides the countermeasure to increase precious of draft survey.

大副,我接到通知,货物需要分三轮装货,第一轮5000吨,第二轮6000吨,第三轮5000吨,不包括用调水尺的货物。Chief officer, We are informed that the cargo will be shipped by three times. The first is 5000MT, the second is 6000MT, and the third is 5000MT , not including the cargo for trimming.