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所剩无几。There is not much left.

我的激情已经所剩无几。I had compassion burn-out.

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到最后,连发短信的力气都所剩无几。Finally, beating the strength to text.

但是到2009年年中,他手头已经所剩无几。But by mid-2009 he was almost out of cash.

今日的经济增长春芽有朝一日也可能被修剪得所剩无几。Today's green shoots could still be revised away.

在此情况下,留给转换的细节所剩无几。In this case, not much is left for the transformation.

Volt是通用汽车在破产前所保留的所剩无几的车型之一。The car is one of the few vestiges of pre-bankruptcy GM.

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凭借他们本身的实力,潜在的收购方就所剩无几。There are very few potential bidders in their own right.

这矿床原有很丰富的银矿,但已所剩无几了。The mine once had a rich vein of silver, but it petered out.

我们上学时念过不少诗--现在我记得的所剩无几。We read a lot of poetry at school I remember very little now.

“很显然,现在值得写的主题已所剩无几,”他说。There aren’t that many obvious topics left to write about, " he says.

去掉吃饭、坐车和偶尔的请客的费用,他说他所剩无几。After food, transport, and the occasional treat, he says he saves nothing.

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看起来他不像失去对下个赛季的全部失望——实际上,希望也所剩无几了。It's not like he's lost all hope for a season -- not even close, actually.

树上的叶子所剩无几,汽车在雪地中缓慢地行驶着。The leaves of the trees left, the car in the snow in slowly moving forward.

现今这种风格的建筑已所剩无几了。There aren't too many examples of this style. of architecture left nowadays.

这是红色疣猴的唯一栖息地,但是现在所剩无几了。This is the only home of the red Colobus monkey but there are very few left.

鉴于国家领导人总是日理万机,他们的吃饭时间就所剩无几。With all the work required to run a country, there's little time left for meals.

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修房、度假和其他开销使她在银行的存款所剩无几。House repair, holidays and other expenses reduced her bank balance to almost nothing.

修房、度假和其他开销使我在银行的存款所剩无几。House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced my bank balance to almost nothing.

修房、度假和其他开销使他在银行的存款所剩无几。House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced his bank balance to almost nothing.