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中介是唯物辩证法的一个重要概念。The medium is an important concept of the materialist dialectics.

模糊诗学的哲学基础是唯物辩证法。The philosophic basis of fuzzy poetics is materialist dialectics.

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在唯物辩证法中,一分为三是实质和核心。Three division is the essence and core of materialist dialectics.

矛盾转化是唯物辩证法的重要范畴。Conflict transform is an important category in materialistic dialectic.

要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.

把黑格尔的初级唯心辩证法改造为高级唯物辩证法。The Hegelian dialectics of the initial idealism for senior materialist dialectics.

同一性和对立性的研究是唯物辩证法的核心问题。Study of identity and opposition is key problem of materialistic and dialectical method.

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马克思批判了黑格尔的辩证逻辑的体系,创立了唯物辩证法。Marx criticized the system of Hegel's dialectical logic and founded materialist dialectics.

文中指出根据唯物辩证法中关于一切真理都是相对真理的观点,数学真理当然也是相对真理。A view was pointed ont in the paper that all truth is relative truth according to materialist dialectic.

唯物辩证法与诡辩论有严格的界限,在实际生活中也有明显区别。There is the distinction between dialectics and sophistry, and in reality those two also have notable differences.

应用唯物辩证法系统论的原理可以对细胞系统做出更新、更全面的诠释。Cellular system can be better explained in a new all-round way by the application of the tenet of materialist dialectics.

它蕴含着唯物辩证法的睿智和逻辑,具有强大的思想力量和逻辑力量。It contains the materialistic dialectics wisdom and logic and is full of formidable thought strength and logical strength.

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马克思主义理论与实践在遵循唯物辩证法规律的前提下形成了一整套互动机制。The theory and practice of Marxism have formed a set of interactive mechanisms in accordance with materialistic dialectics.

马克思主义唯物辩证法为环境保护和经济发展的协调提供了哲学的指导依据。Marxist materialist dialectics provides the guiding basis for coordinating environmental protection and economic development.

但两者都是运用唯物辩证法分析具体问题的典范从真学习和研究它们具有重大意义。But, they are typifies of using didectics to analyse the contradictions. Therefore, it is important that we learn and research it.

按照唯物辩证法的观点,自然界的变化,主要地是由于自然界内部矛盾的发展。According to materialist dialectics, changes in nature are due chiefly to the development of the internal contradictions in nature.

唯物辩证法是科学地认识世界和有效地改造世界的锐利武器。Dialectical materialism is a sharp weapon with which we can understand the world scientifically and transform the world effectively.

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要做到这一点,我们必须首先对黑格尔唯心辩证法与唯物辩证法的区别与联系有比较清晰的认识。To do this, at first we must clearly recognize the difference and contact between Hegel's dialectica idealism and dialectica materialism.

在此基础上,作者得出了与陈铁民同志的看法相反的结论,亦即系统辩证论确实促进了传统的唯物辩证法的发展。So, on the contrary with the points of view of Chen Tie-min, the systems dialectics has really developed the traditional materialist dialectics.

目前,在学术界居主导地位的思想是“对立统一规律是唯物辩证法的实质和核心”。The thought that currently dominates the academic circle is that "the law of the unity of opposites is the essence and gist of materialist dialectics".