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我已经忘记笤帚了。I had forgotten about the whisks.

请到我的房间给我取一把笤帚来。Please fetch me a broom to my room.

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她根本用不着老女巫的笤帚就能飞行!She needs no old woman's broomstick to fly withal!

为了和他交流,我和老公只能和他保持一段距离,用笤帚抚摸他。So we had to keep a distance to touch him with a broom.

女巫跳上笤帚,飞进了夜色中。The witch jumped on her broom and flew off into the night.

他们使用小笤帚刷掉钻在作品缝隙中的雪屑。They use small brooms to brush off snow caught in tiny holes.

依旧先用笤帚抚摸他,再渐渐过渡到用手抚摸他。We also caressed him with broom first, and then with my hands.

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说完,她又拿起了笤帚和铲子,继续工作。Finished, she picked up a broom and shovel, to continue working.

你怎么买个农民才用的笤帚送你妈妈,这能代表中国?Why do you buy a farmer's broom to represent China to your mother?

我想象着母亲把笤帚挂到房间墙上的模样,于是就买了一把。I imagined that she might hang it on a wall in her house, so I bought one.

我打翻了烟灰缸,所以我们需要个笤帚把那儿的脏东西清理一下。We need a broom to clean up the mess left when I knocked over the ashtray.

“笤帚不到”,他说,“灰尘不会自己跑掉。”“Where the broom does not reach”, he said, “the dust will not vanish of itself.”

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1974年隔壁州的州长戴维.博伦竞选俄克拉何马州州长时,笤帚策略确实奏效了。The broom tactic had worked for my neighbor David Boren when he ran for governor of Oklahoma in 1974.

对我的干净程度表示满意后,他拿出我注意过的两把桦木笤帚,并招呼我去桑拿室。Content that I was clean, he picked up two of the birch whisks I had seen and beckoned me through to the sauna.

每个套间的设施同时也包括吸尘器,笤帚,畚箕和刷子,拖把和桶。Equipment provided within the flat also includes a vacuum cleaner, sweeping brush, dustpan and brush, mop and bucket.

看到伊莎的第一眼,发现她非常瘦,两腿像棒球棍,胳膊像是笤帚柄。When I saw Isa, my first impression was her thinness. Her legs looked like baseball bats and her arms like broomsticks.

是否他加入到整个社会的大骗台,台上把笤帚捧得比丝绸高,其实真相刚好相反?Was he participating in the larger hypocrisy of a society that pretended to value brooms over silk but in reality did not?

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他梦到许多的石碓,还有燃烧般的日出,他在一片宽广的天空中搜寻着一个骑在笤帚上的红色斗篷的剪影。He dreams of stone turrets and a burning sunset and soaring through a vast, open sky in pursuit of a red-cloaked figure on broomstick.

游泳选手用手脚向上下左右方向划水,就象用条件笤帚扫地一样。Natant player controls directional thrash to fluctuation with hands or feet, just like like sweeping the floor with conditional broom.

在他发表正式的参选声明时,手里握着一把笤帚,声称要对州政府进行大清扫,把陈旧的理念和职业政客们赶出去。When he made his formal announcement, he had a broom in his hand and said he wanted to make a clean sweep of state government, clearing out old ideas and career politicians.