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他需要一种能消灭玉米螟虫的杀虫剂。He needs a pesticide that will kill corn borers.

增量螟虫是用来确定树龄的一个。An increment borer is used to determine the age of a tree.

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两种在同一田地里的欧洲玉米螟虫也产生了分裂。Two races of European corn borers sharing the same field may also be splitting up.

研究了宁虫素对水稻螟虫的毒力及防治效果。Toxicities and control effects of Ningchongsu against rice stem borers were tested.

而生物工程玉米只需在大量出现玉米螟虫时喷洒一次就可以了。With Bt maize, he says, he might spray once if maize borers are present in large numbers.

抗虫性分析结果表明,部分转基因玉米植株对玉米螟虫有较强的抗性。In the meantime, strong resistance of some transgenic plants to corn borer was showed through bioassay.

螟虫是我国水稻上的重要害虫,历史上就有“南螟北蝗”之称。Stem borers are important rice pests as called "southern stem borers and northern grasshoppers" historically.

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稻瘟病和螟虫等病虫害严重危害着水稻生产,导致水稻产量下降,稻米品质变劣。Rice blast and stem borers have done harm to rice production, led to decreased rice yield and inferior grain quality.

天神恩梯古兹知道啦此事,年夜为大怒,派啦多量蝗虫、螟虫来吃地上地庄稼。God grace the ladder of this know it, the ceiling, and sent large Numbers of locusts, borer to eat the grain of the earth.

本文综述了对螟虫长距茧蜂的研究概况,包括该寄生蜂的主要生物学习性、对玉米螟自然寄生率及田间防治玉米螟效果等。Studies on Macrocentrus linearis, including its biology, natural parasitic rate and the field control effect on Ostrinia furnacalis are reviewed in this paper.

以水稻螟虫的防治技术研究和推广为例,本研究详细的说明了县级水平害虫防治和推广的内容。The example of the study on integrated control technology and extension of rice stem borers showed the content of pests control and extension on the level of county in detail.

又根据赤眼蜂产卵活动与螟虫孵化的主要影响因素的温度的最适的数值域,拟定了一个模糊集合,用以确定生态方程中的参数。Then, based on the optimum values of air temperature and humidity, which affect the trichogramma oviposition, we draw up a fuzzy set, and use it to decide Parameters of ecosystem equation.

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另一方面力求改进栽培技术、调节水稻生育期,恶化螟虫的生活条件,避免或减轻螟害。Moreover, it is important also to improve cultural practices, regulate the growth stage of rice and deteriorate the living conditions of the paddy borer in order to avoid or reduce borer injury.

本文阐述了气候、食料、水稻栽培制度和生物等因素对三化螟种群数量变动的影响,并指出作为螟虫食料的水稻及其栽培制度的作用更为明显。The main factors influencing the fluctuation of population include climate, food, cropping system and biotic factors, among which rice as a food plant and its cropping system play a more marked role.