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她在出谏言献策方面从不落于人后。She was never behind in offering advice.

下午的大部分时间我们都在开献策攻关会。We brainstormed for most of the afternoon.

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各路媒体纷纷向新任主席郭树清“建言献策”。Various media to the new Chairman, Mr Guo "suggestions".

就团队管理事宜为各部门经理建言献策。Provide advice to Department manager to manage their teams.

我私下朝见国王,向他陈言献策。I had a private audience with the King, and made a proposition.

从上世纪50年代开始,他就对日本和美国的公司建言献策。From the 1950s onwards he offered advice to Japanese companies as well as American ones.

希望企业家们就如何进一步推进美中经济关系等建言献策。The entrepreneurs are expected to provide advices on how to further push forward US-China economic relations.

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多年来我一直担当企业顾问,为坎贝尔和马尔斯的这样的知名公司出谋划策,献策献计。I've been a corporate consultant for years, brainstorming ideas for top companies such as Campbell's and Mars.

环保主义者也建言献策,但往往是一厢情愿、天真幼稚,成为美国经济发展的绊脚石。Environmentalists offer theirs, which too often amount to naive wish lists that could cripple America's growth.

他希望代表们积极为普通公路事业发展建言献策,推动普通公路实现高速高效发展。He expected the deputies to offer suggestions in a bid to promote fast and efficient growth of highways in Hunan.

作为不结盟运动的创始国之一,尼泊尔为不结盟运动的健康发展建言献策。As one of the foundation members, Nepal has contributed a lot to the healthy development of the Non-Alignment movement.

例如,设立国家自然科学基金委与中国工程院的建议,都是与中科院院士群体的建言献策密切相关的。For example, CAS reports helped establish the National Natural Science Foundation and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

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他们同意共组海陆盟军,由斯巴达指挥,并由雅典领袖尼高拉迪斯献策。They agreed on a combined army and navy under Spartan command, with the Athenian leader Themistokles providing the strategy.

两位红衣主教边开玩笑边走入宗教会堂准备参加红衣教会议,这个红衣主教集合的会议作用是献策于教皇。Swapping pleasantries, two cardinals prepare to enter the Synod Hall for a consistory, an assembly of cardinals that advises the pope.

通过开展“业务创新网上百题问卷调查”,鼓励员工谏言献策,激发了大家的“主人翁”责任感。"Questionnaire Survey on Business Innovation" was issued on intra-net to solicit suggestions and enhance responsibility consciousness.

希望大家开诚布公,坦诚交流,为推动中法、中欧关系的发展积极建言献策。I hope that we can have open and candid discussions and contribute our wisdom for the development of China-France and China-EU relations.

但是陆小夕生性属于乐天派且放荡不羁,李莉则是婚姻幸福的职业妇女,所以两人的献策常常是相互对立的。But because the former is a carefree bohemian while the latter's a happily-married career woman, their competing inclinations are often at odds.

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张会计夫妇得知吴妈从小早屋里搬了出去,便给小早献策,让小早对吴妈好,去感化她。Zhang Huiji learned that early childhood mother Wu house moved out, gave little early suggestions, let little Wu Mahao early on, to influence her.

他们都有各自的朝堂,皇帝或国王有朝堂,上朝的是骑士,官员之类的,这些人为他献策,实现他的意志。They each have a court, the emperor or the king has a court of officials with knights and that sort of thing that advise him and carry out his will.

在线翻译比赛四大主题口号征集活动已经接近尾声,感谢大家对于此次活动的献言献策。"Express your LOHAS life" Slogan Collection activities has come to a successful end. It is our pleasure to have many of you taken active parts in it.