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他们分头吃饭。They eat separately.

分头去找他们,狗东西!Scatter and look for them, dogs!

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嗯,好,不如我们分头行动吧。Okay. I suggest we act separately.

这事咱们分头去做吧。Let's go about the work separately.

雇员们都分头度假去了。The employees dispersed for the holidays.

一群群的骑士们分头向各个方向前进。Groups of riders peel off in different directions.

最后来了四十人,大家分头忙碌着。Forty people showed up. And they all had something to do.

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比赛开始了,两个人分头赶着车飞快地跑着。The race started and both men sped off in their chariots.

史蒂夫分头去和一批批的银行家会晤。Steve had been meeting with the bankers in separate groups.

马尾辫“过时”,偏分头和短发受推崇。Ponytails are out but side-partings and Elvis quiffs are in.

你和同学们在陈教师的率领下分头去公园、养老院、医院做坏事。You and the students in teacher Chen led cent head to go to the park.

东方白回到客栈,发现李三不在,与田奎分头行动。Oriental white back to the inn, Li found three in, and Tian Kui split up.

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他梳着蓬松的分头,自我介绍叫李兴顺,也就是我们此行的导游。He had floppy, parted hair, and introduced himself as Li Xingshun, our guide.

主人把它各式各样发型的视频传到YouTube,有粉色非洲爆炸头、黑色波波头和边分头等等,这个毛茸茸的小东西很快赢得了不少粉丝。The hairstyles range from pink Afros to black bobs to side partings and so on.

危情之下,四姐妹分头举动,黑姑受伤,枪弹也打完了。Gorillas, four sisters move individually, black gu injured, also played the bullet.

他父亲昨夜去世的,已经派人分头去他的亲戚家报丧了。His father passed away last night, and Job's posts have been sent to his relatives.

又分头去买了洗印药粉,电影胶片和成捆的白报纸。Also separately buy a laboratory powders, films and film into a bundle of newsprint.

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你最后替我分头的时侯,我在镜中看见你替我拨了一根白发。Finally, in the mirror I saw you plucking out a white hair from my head while parting my hair.

进了商场,两人分头行事,各自在货架与柜台间寻找给小孩子们的合适礼物。Inside the store, the women split up to search the shelves and tables for gifts for the girls.

我们只有分头围歼,各个击破才能取得这场战役的胜利。Only by surrounding and annihilating separately, conquering one by one, can we win the battle.