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衡阳市已进入老龄化社会。Hengyang city has gone into an aging society.

到下世纪初韩国人口老龄化进程将进一步加快。The aging trend will quicken in the next century.

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而在老龄化最严重的国家日本,目前这一比例为2.6。Japan, the oldest country in the world now, has 2.6.

根据中国人口统计数据,中国实施的计划生育政策效果显著,其中一个影响就是延长了中国人寿命,和老龄化速度加快。And the effect is that the Chinese are getting old. Fast.

全球老龄化的公共卫含意是什生么?What are the public health implications of global ageing?

生育高峰的小孩正在老龄化,但是他们仍然热爱活动。The baby boomers may be aging but they still love to play.

人口老龄化是全球从未面临过的新问题,人类能从容应对吗?The world never seen population ageing before. Can it cope?

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随着中国的老龄化,低出生率现象将难以逆转As China Ages, Birthrate Policy May Prove Difficult to Reverse

人口变化是劳动力老龄化的又一原因。Demographic change is another reason why the workforce is greying.

日渐老龄化的欧洲已经被经济增长缓慢和由德国主导的紧缩所束缚。An ageing Europe is gripped by slow growth and German-led austerity.

在澳大利亚--人口老龄化,延长寿命的技术和变化看的社会态度,这In Australia- where an aging population, life-extending technology and

2009年列出的20个人口老龄化州中有14个位于东北和中部地区。Of the 20 oldest states in 2009, 14 were in the north-east and Midwest.

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零售商和公共服务正努力适应这个老龄化社会。Retailers and public services are having to adapt to this aging society.

老龄化、女性、肥胖均为胆石症的危险因素。Aging, female sex, and obesity increase the risk for gallstone formation.

三十三岁的Takahashi先生说,“老龄化只会进一步加强老一代人的权势。“Aging just further empowers older generations, ” said Mr. Takahashi, 33.

加拿大面临人口老龄化,人口重心也在西移。Canada is meanwhile getting older and its population is shifting westwards.

中国中国人口因为少生政策而迅速老龄化。China's population is rapidly aging as Chinese families have fewer children.

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欧洲是老龄化最严重的大陆,世界上25个老龄化最严重的国家中有23个就在欧洲。Europe is the greyest continent, with 23 of the world's 25 oldest countries.

欧洲的本土人口正在加速老龄化,其四分之一的人口已年逾花甲。Europe's indigenous population is ageing fast, with a quarter of it over 60.

大致说来,这正是这个日益老龄化的亚洲群岛正开始做的事。That is, roughly speaking, what Asia's ageing archipelago is starting to do.