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他天性爽直。He is frank by nature.

他是一位??爽直的政客。He is an outspoken politician.

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我说话爽直,千万要请你原谅。Excuse me -- for I must speak plainly.

艾德勒是一个爽直的、好交际的人。Adler was an outgoing, sociable kind of man.

我的同桌是一个活泼爽直的小男孩,他叫关博元。My deskmate is a saucy little boy, his name is Guan Boyuan.

这家伙看上去多神气-敏感,热情爽直!How nice the chap looked-sensitive, affectionate, straight !

活泼爽直的哈特福德姑娘马上修正他的主张。The saucy little girl from Hartford promptly corrected his idea.

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一切就恁地简略,爽直,随心,咱们多了两个伴侣。Bll that were simple, straightforward, free, we had more two friends.

这是一个具有诗人气质的青年,天真任性、爽直磊落。There was a young man with poet personality, innocent, wild and frank.

作为一份礼物,筷子就如他们的外形一样象征着爽直。As a gift, chopsticks symbolize straightforwardness because of their shape.

在今天衰退的世界,这种政策是爽直的,掠夺性的。And in today's depressed world, that policy is, to put it bluntly, predatory.

他单纯,爽直,冲动、没有心计,甚至有点滑稽。He's simple-minded, straightforward, impulsive, guileless, and even a bit funny.

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看这个天,多么晴爽干燥,正象北方人那样爽直痛快。Look at that clear crisp sky, just like the straightforward, easy-going people of the North.

她们常常看到他,对他赞不绝口,又说他坦白爽直。They saw him often, and to his other recommendations was now added that of general unreserve.

事实上,爽直和可移植性再次感谢与磁带。In fact, the straightforwardness and portability renewed my appreciation for working with tape.

性格内向,气质独特坚强,个性爽直泼辣。Introverted nature, peculiarly firm disposition, frank and vigorous individuality, are what you possess.

近日,有幸结识了美国朋友罗伯特先生,他性格爽直,真诚朴实,和善畅快。Recently, I had the honor to meet Mr. Robert Mayer, he has a straight forward, honest and easy going character.

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但是,赖莎爽直的个性使她在西方大受欢迎,同时在政务上,她也是丈夫最亲密的知己。But her outgoing style made her a hit in the West, and she was her husband's closest confidante on political affairs.

这真不幸,因为如果她能够开口,她就会用父亲那种爽直的口吻把一切隐蔽的真情都大声讲出来。That was fortunate, for if she could have spoken she would have cried out truths couched in Gerald 's forthright words.

蔑克里斯爽直地说着他自己的事,爽直地、诚实地披露着他那痛苦的、冷淡的、丧家狗的心情,然后流露着他的成功后的复仇的高傲。Michaelis talked frankly about himself, quite frankly, without affectation, simply revealing his bitter, indifferent, stray-dog's soul, then showing a gleam of revengeful pride in his success.