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草拟合同。Draw up the contract.

草拟一个脚本用于指导你的拍摄。Draft a script to guide your shoot.

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文件的初稿是谁草拟的?Who made the first draft of the document ?

他给总经理草拟了一封信。He drafted a letter to the general manager.

我们的律师今天将草拟契约书。Our lawyer will draw up the contract today.

我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.

我们必须草拟一份新的援助方案,然后再拨专款。We had to write a new aid formula, then fund it.

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让你的律师草拟一些文件。Have your attorney draw up some initial paperwork.

在电脑中将草拟的合同多保存几个复件。Save the drafts as multiple files on your computer.

小林,请给我这个项目草拟一份计划书。Xiao Lin , Please draw up a proposal for this Project.

为了筛选电话面试者,为每个面试者草拟一份表格。To screen callers, draw up one-page form for each caller.

他已草拟出这篇文章,但还得加以修改。He has roughed out the article, but he has still to revise it.

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这种文件通常是草拟好的,并会由一位律师鉴证。Thisdocument is typically drafted and witnessed by an attorney.

这时列宁重新开始草拟党纲的工作。Then Lenin renewed his work on the draft programme of the Party.

利用这份你草拟的提纲来指导面试。Use the outline you create to guide you in the interview process.

印度对四邦的高危公路进行了调查,同时草拟了道路交通安全计划。India surveys high-risk roads in four states, drafts safety plans.

1994年的这一天,以色列和约旦首领草拟和谈条约。In 1994, leaders of Israel and Jordan initialed a draft peace treaty.

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然后项目团队可以向涉众展示草拟的工件。The project team then presents drafted artifacts to the stakeholders.

另外,民航局现正为安全法规进行法律草拟。In addition, AACM is now in the process of drafting safety regulations.

协助草拟、修改、审查合同和有关法律事务文书。Assisting in drafting and reviewing contracts and other legal document c.