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稳定期以肾气不固、痰邪内伏为主要病因,以防哮汤调治。The key pathogenesis in alleviate period is phlegm, which Huanxiao Decoction is used.

女性每月失血过多,同时肩负孕育、生产,都会损伤肾气。Every month, while women bleed to inoculation, production, will shoulder the kidney damage.

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结论聚维酮碘软膏和金匮肾气丸治疗糖尿病足疗效显著。Conclusion Povidone Iodine Ointment and Jinkui Shenqi pills markedly effect on diabetes foot.

月经期、生孩子等都可以损伤肾气,因此,女性应该时刻注意腰部的保暖。Menses, children can damage by kidney, therefore, women should be aware of the waist to keep warm.

肾为生命之源,穴在肾俞之间,相当于肾气出入之门户。The kidney is the source of life. The point is between Shenshu, like a door for the Qi of the kidney.

月经期、生孩子等都可以损伤肾气,因此,女性应该时刻注意腰部的保暖。Menstrual period, all children can damage Shenqi, therefore, women should always pay attention to the waist warm.

肾气阴两虚证候改善程度与优质卵率呈正相关。Improvement of symptoms of both kidney Qi and Yin deficiency was positively correlated with high-quality oocytes rate.

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由于人体衰老的原因在于“肾气衰”,则养生的一个基本原则为保养肾精。Since the cause of decrepitude is due to deficiency of kidney-qi, the basic law of health preservation is to reinforce it.

祖国医学认为肾具有“主藏精”和“主生长发育”等功能,人体的生长壮老已的变化是由肾气的消长盛衰决定的。Traditional Chinese Medicine thinks it stores the essence of life and is concerned with reproduction and the development of human body.

蛋白尿与湿、热、瘀是运动性疲劳发生、发展的重要影响因素,是疲劳中导致肾气亏损的发生途径。These are pathways which sports fatigue causes the loss of kidney -qi Both supplement and elimination are important for recovering sports fatigue.

一种能调肾气,理肝气,益心气,延缓衰老的制剂及其制备方法。Preparation capable of adjusting the kidney-qi, regulating the liver-qi, enriching the heart-qi and preventing senescence and preparation method thereof.